Jungle Resort

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Twenty-One POV:

I remember from yesterday, me and Fifteen were fighting because she had won on me. Okay, firstly, I said earlier that she had to beat me if I wanted her to stop. I didn't mind her winning. I just completely lost it when she dipped me in the water.

She didn't have to do that. She could have just told me that she wanted to save them both. Right now, we're not competing to see who's better. We're just doing it for fun.

Me: Hello Fifteen!

15: Hi Twenty-One! Listen closely! Anyone might call anytime! Hush!

Me: Hush!

We both laugh as I said Fifteen's second Hush.


Meanwhile at Seventeen and Three

Three: Can you draw ONE portrait for once and NOT seventeen?!

17: But, why to draw only one of things, when you can draw seventeen?

Three: Only once, for Numberland's sake!

17: I'll TRY!

Three: 🙄

17: Now, where did I put my paintbrush? Aha! There it is!

Three: Mind that-

*Paintbrush falls of the cliff*


Three: Cliff..

17: My poor, poor paintbrush!

Three: It's okay. We can find it! Let's go and search for it.

17: Okay..


Three: Seventeen! Watch out! *pulls 17*

Both: Phew!


Both: Uh-oh.

Three: *falls from the cliff and hang on to a branch* Woahhhh!

17: Oh no! Three! *climbs down broken cliff* Woah! Close one. Hold on to my hand, Three!

Three: I'm holding on to your hand. But who's got you?

17: I have no idea.

Both: HELP!!

21: Do you hear that, Fifteen?

15: Hear what? Oh! Yes! It sounds like Three and 17 calling for help!

21: Let's go!

Fifteen POV:

We go into the Jungle and find Three and 17 hanging from a cliff.

Me: I'll take Seventeen. You take Three.

21: Looks like you got a plan. 😏

Me: Heh.

I go to the top of the cliff. I hold on to Seventeen's hand and try to pull him up. Twenty-One is climbing the cliff from the bottom and she took Three and held on to her. She gave me a signal to pull up Seventeen.

Me: Seventeen! Let go of Three and pull yourself up!

17: Okay! *lets go of Three*

I pull 17 with all my might, but looks like he cares about his brush more than his life. He dropped his brush and let go of my hand.

21: Seventeen! No!

Me: Don't worry! I'll get him!

I put the nearest lake to my advantage. I used it to slow down Seventeen's fall. I used it to take myself too, so I can see what I'm doing. I nearly used all my power to get him. The fall was gonna be hard, if I let go. I started losing my balance a little.

Me: Woah!

21: Be careful, Fifteen!

Me: Woaaah! Woah-oh! Hah. I'm okay.

I was not okay. I had to land, with Seventeen. Or else, we would both have a bad crash. I slowly put myself down, but that made Seventeen go down faster. I heard him shout. I stopped in my place. I started putting him down slowly, which made me go down faster. I started screaming softly, since I'm hush hush. I felt a slight knock on my head.

Twenty-One POV:

Me, Three and Seventeen, Yes, he is safe now. We all went to the bottom of the rocky mountain. I saw Fifteen on the ground. Poor her. She must be worn out. She used herself to save Seventeen.

Me: Fifteen? Fifteen, get up! Fi-

15: *wakes up* Who in the world of Numberland is Fifteen?

Me: You are-

I just noticed that the hard crash had made her lose her Numberlings.

I just noticed that the hard crash had made her lose her Numberlings

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Me: Nevermind that. Um.. here you go Seventeen. I got your paintbrush.

17: Woo-hoo! Thanks, Twenty-One!

Both of them walk away, as I hear them talk.

Three: *to Seventeen* Don't you think that Fifteen is the best Step Squad ever?

17: I agree!

I smiled at those words. I know it's true. I have to find Fifteen's Numberlings. They are lost in the jungle somewhere. Without them, she is not the Fifteen that everyone knew. Like, wow. This is the second time she loses her Numberlings. She also lost them once because of Eleven's football. ⚽

Me: Come on, Fif- I mean, friend! We have to go in search of something in the Jungle.

15: Ooh okay! Let's go!

She started running faster than 18 would use his rays! Haha! I just hope we find those Numberlings soon.

Twenty-One VS Fifteen [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now