Forever Or Never

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Fifteen POV:

Last night, Twenty-One had told me a story of what happened. I lost my Numberlings, I lost my memory, I even lost my mind! She told me that I talked to a Lion and scared it away. How did I do that? I wake up and I see Twenty-One sleeping next to me.

Me: Twenty-One! It's morning, and you have to go back.

21: *yawns*  Well, good morning, Fifteen!

Me: I feel kinda disappointed that you are going back.. I really like having you around here.

21: I also love staying here in Numberland. But you know, Fifteen, sometimes, everything has to come to an end. Not everything lasts forever.

Me: I guess you are right..

21: But don't worry. I'll come back next year.

Me: Next year is SO far!

21: *giggles* I know. Here's something I wanted to tell you, Fifteen. Sit down.

I sat near Twenty-One on my bed and started listening to her.

21: I live nearly 17 miles away from Numberland, deep in the Jungle. I do live far, right?

Me: Yes, you do.

21: Even if I am so far, we are still with each other. I am still with you. You are still with me. We are both with each other. Maybe not physically, but mentally, we are there 24/7. You are a young number. But your actions are too much for someone your number. I always thought of you as the best Numberblock I have in my life. And then, I started thinking of you as a sister.

Me: S-sister?

21: Yes, a sister. I thought that being a sister to you is not suitable for me.

Me: What?!

21: After what happened back there in the jungle, your bravery took place instead of mine. Now tell me, when a mother encourages her child to be strong, the child feels strong because of the encouragement. And later, when the mother is scared, or in fear of something, what does the child do?

Me: They give the mother encouragement as she did to her child!

21: You are right, Fifteen. I have been encouraging you all along. And later, when I was scared, you stood up for me.

Me: But I did it unconsciously!

21: Did I become scared consciously?

Me: No..

21: So?

Me: A-are you s-saying th-that..

21: I didn't say anything. It's up to you.

Me: Yes, Twenty-One! You are like a mother to me!

I just can't believe it. I actually have a feeling that Twenty-One is like a mother to me. She is always so caring and kind and loving. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have been Fifteen anymore. I hugged her as if she's leaving forever.

Twenty-One POV:

I put on my hike-bag and started heading for the door. I noticed that I could barely move. I looked down at my shoes and I saw Fifteen hanging on to me. She didn't want me to leave!

Me: Uh heheh.. Fifteen? Um.. can I go now?

15: Nothing is stopping you.

Me: Hahaha! You are, Fifteen!

15: I'm gonna miss you a lot!

Me: I know. Me too. But I really have to get going now. Please?

15: Okay..

She finally let go and she had a big frown on her face. I felt bad for her. Hm... I have a plan..

Fifteen POV:

Twenty-One left for the next year. I felt so lonely all of a sudden. Everyone feels like that. When your beloved ones leave, you feel like you are the only one in the world. I sit on my shell-shaped chair and start reading one of the books.

After some time, I decided to go for a stroll around the area. I noticed a house that wasn't there before. I go to the door and knock on it. The door opened. I had the biggest shock in my life. I didn't know whether to breath or talk. I couldn't move.

Me: T-t-twenty-One?

21: May I help you? 😆

Me: I- uh.. How- I- Wh-what?!

21: After thinking about you for a while, I thought that living in the jungle will just make you depressed.

Me: I would have been depressed if you left..

She pulled me in for a hug. She is SOOOOO warm!

21: I love you, Fifteen.

Me: I love you more,... mom.

21: What do you say about having dinner with me?

Me: Is that a question?! YES! YES! YES!

21: Come in, dear!

I literally can't say anything. I'm too speechless. She did this, for me! I have no words. I feel so happy! From this very day until forever, we both lived happily ever after!

°'•The End•'°

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