My Bestie! Or Not?

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Fifteen POV:

It was a pretty quiet afternoon in Numberland. I'm outside my house, waiting for my bestie, Twenty-One, to visit me. She lives in the Jungle. But she comes 1 month every year to visit Numberland. And usually, I'm the most excited to see her. She is a bigger Step Squad than me. Yes, it's true that Ten, Six, Three and One are also Step Squads, but they don't do much. I see Twenty-One coming to my house.

Me: Hi Twenty-One!

Twenty-One: Hello Fifteen! How are you?

Me: I'm fine! I missed you so much! I get to see you only for a month every year.

21: I know 😅. There are a bunch of little explorers in the Jungle who need help. I have to help them.

Me: Don't brag by saying that you're the oldest!

21: Haha! I'm not bragging! But you know that I am!

Me: Hahahahahaha!

21: So, how is your Super Special Secret Step Squad life?

Me: It's great! But there hasn't been any trouble anywhere so lately.

21: That's odd.

Me: Get it? It's "odd". Because we're both odd numbers!

Twenty-One never laughs at my jokes. She usually just rolls her eyes. So I just let it pass. I take her in my house, and we both sit on chairs. We just talk about what happened in Numberland or the Jungle.


Meanwhile, at Eight and Fourteen

Eight: Hello Fourteen! Are you learning some new trick?

14: Yes, I am, Eight! Would you like to see one?

Eight: Sure!

14: Extreme Fourteen! *flips in the air*

Eight: Fourteen! Look out!


14: Oops! Sorry Eight! Ow! My knee hurts!

Eight: I'm also hurt! I've got an Octo-boo boo!

14 & 8: This is a job for Step Squad!

15: You coming, Twenty-One?

21: I'm with you!

15: You take Fourteen and I'll take Eight.

21: Okay!

Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Step Squad!

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Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Step Squad!

1-5: We're the Super Special Secret Step Squad! We can make your problems disappear! We're the Super Special Secret Step Squad! We're gonna make it better..

15: And you'll never even know I was here.

1-5: The Super Special Secret Step Squad is here!

One: Step one! Check the boo boo! That'll get you started!

Two: Step two! Wee Woo! Wee Woo! And then we're on our way!

Three: Step three! See the doctor! Don't be downhearted!

Four: Step four! Bandage the boo boo! We're gonna save the day!

Five: Step five, we go into overdrive! As we make it all better!

1-5: And vanish away!

Eight: *muffled* All better now. Heheh.

14: Oww..

Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Step Squad!

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Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Step Squad!

One: Step one! Check your knee! That'll get you started!

Two: Step two! Wash the scratch! And then we're on our way!

Three: Step three! Put the needed medicine! Don't be downhearted!

Four: Step four! Put on a plaster! We're gonna save the day!

Five: Step five! Wear a kneecap! Always stay safe!

Six: Step six, we get you all straightened up! As we clear off the ground..

1-6: And watch you play!

14 & 8: Thank you, Step Squad!

14: I can do all kinds of tricks now!

Eight: *muffled* Um.. can I move?

14: I think Twenty-One is a better Step Squad than Fifteen

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14: I think Twenty-One is a better Step Squad than Fifteen.

Eight: *muffled* Yes, yes! I agree!

15: *to 21*. *jealously* Game on, Twenty-One!

21: *sarcastic* If you say so, Fifteen.

15: Tomorrow morning at 9 am.

21: You're so going down, Genie Of The Lamp.

15: Let's see about that, Dora The Explorer.

14 & 8: Uh-oh..

Twenty-One VS Fifteen [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now