Darkened Cherries

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A gilded bowl sat at the center of the birch table

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A gilded bowl sat at the center of the birch table

Emptiness filled inside with nothing but silence in the castle

The scarred crescent shone light upon the sweet nightingales

As they sang  the mournful melody the song of death entailed

The boy stepped on the reflective floors of the palace first

The girl came after, a sublime beauty from her birth

Her sapphire eyes and raven hair 

Opposed her brother's golden skin and grey stare

His charm and courtesy filled the court of caviling lords and ladies with delight

While her jests and humour were responded with roaring laughs and bright smiles

His coldness to her was met with the fieriest heat

But this all stopped once they grew taller than five feet

His disguised words and sugared lies

Now faced the wrath of derisive jokes and secretive cries

A kiss on the other's cheek meant a whisper of indignity

As both groaned to others about another's absurdity

The sister found a sheet of yellow underneath the golden bowl

She followed the writing when a cherry fell and rolled

She glared at the fallen fruit for an unusual time

And headed to the grand kitchen with quick and long strides

He sat on the ornate chair as violet took over the sky

A dark cherry amongst the sea of red entered his mouth as he began to sign

But the silver quill escaped the icy grip of his hands

Oak chair cracked and broken the bones land

A foam of purple flows on the ground 

Covering her velvet heels as she stares at the deceiving loun

Her pale hands pick up the cherry near her victim 

If only she hadn't found the indigo potion that belonged to him.

-Grisha. S

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