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Now as Shao Kahn had just sent Scorpion and Mileena off, he summoned the remaining warriors into the arena. "The second match had to be delayed due to Scorpion's temporary disappearance, however with all the combatants here, we can now send our remaining warriors off to their respective battlegrounds. Kung Lao and Shang Tsung shall fight at the Evil Monastery. Jax and Kintaro will fight here on the ground in front of me. Johnny Cage and Baraka will fight at the Foundry and Liu Kang and Kitana shall fight at the…"

"Wastelands." Kitana interrupted.

"Hmm, if that is what you wish daughter, I shall grant it. Wastelands it is."

Shao Kahn opened up four portal and pointed out which portal led to which. "After you cross through your portals begin your match."

The warriors each walked towards their designated portal crossing through the portal.

Kung got the exact battle he could've wanted out of all the Outworld opponents: Shang Tsung. Although Liu had defeated Tsung in the Mortal Kombat Tournament, he had somehow become more powerful. Tsung had reclaimed his youth. But yet that did not concern Kung, what did concern him was that his ancestor, the original Kung Lao's soul remained trapped inside that evil sorcerer.

Before Liu Kang had won, the original Kung Lao was the last Shaolin to hold the title of the Mortal Kombat Champion. He had defeated Shang Tsung, who was the then-previous champion. However, he knew that for 50 years, his ancestor would not age. He was forced to watch his family and friends grow old and die around him, yet he would always remain the same.

Although, when he was a child, he was expected by the Order of Light as well as the White Lotus Society that he would be the one to defeat Goro, but yet the stories of his great ancestor dissuaded him from that. He choose to lead a life of peace, rather than fighting rather become involved with the endless battle of being the Mortal Kombat Champion.

Yet now here he was, fighting the one who took his ancestor's soul.

"Ah, your name is Kung Lao yes? Ah, I suppose you are his descendant that I heard about? Well, Lao, you do seem to lack your ancestor's courage as I said yesterday. Do you wish to surrender?" Tsung said, smiling evilly.

"Never sorcerer!" Kung replied, angrily.

"Very well, your soul will join your ancestor's inside me when I am done with you…" Tsung said, grinning. The match began with Tsung firing a ball of fire in his hands. He sent it at Kung, who leapt out of the way and moved in for an attack. But Kung and Tsung blocked the others attack, but Tsung struck Kung in the stomach and taking him by the arm, he threw him to the ground, but Kung leapt up and struck Tsung across the face, before he could make the strike himself. The sorcerer was knocked to the ground. Tsung quickly got to his feet, wiping the blood from his face.

"You fool!" Tsung said, enraged. Suddenly green energy glowed around him and Tsung had transformed… into Raiden. Tsung sent forth a blast of electricity that struck Kung and knocked him to the ground. Tsung transformed back into himself and came at Kung again, but before he could land a blow, Kung had teleported. As Tsung turned around, Kung had dropped in with a kick that struck Tsung across the face. Tsung transformed again this time into Reptile. Tsung came at Kung again, both parried, but Tsung struck Kung in the chest, who responded with a blow to the face causing Tsung to transform back. Tsung growled, and somersaulted back, in order to get some distance from them.

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