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Meanwhile, Kung Lao and Jax were preparing for their match. Both were exchanging friendly claims that they were going to win. They were assigned to the Living Forest for their match while Liu Kang was to fight at the Portal, which he assumed to be the portal from which they entered.

"Give him one for me Liu." Johnny said, patting Liu on the shoulder.

Liu gave a slight nod and departed out of the room. Wandering down the hallway, he made his way through. Eventually coming to a path where a strange door suddenly opened to his right. Liu at first, chose to ignore it, and continued on his path. Yet his curiosity got the best of him, he took a look through the door and walked through. Eventually he came across a caped figure. Two in fact, one he immediately recognized as Shao Kahn. Yet another he did not know, however he did notice a resemblance to Goro. Without another thought, he quickly leapt out of sight.

"Shao Kahn! What is this news that you wish to tell me?" the Shokan roared, demandingly.

"Your warrior, Kintaro has been killed in battle." Kahn said, not a stir of emotion in his voice, in fact he sounded quite angry.

"What? By whom?"

"It matters little." Kahn said, charging some kind of green energy in his hand.

"Why do you say that? I will gladly send for another warrior to…"

"No need Gorbak. I've already made my decision. I will send a call to the Centaurs, I will require their services…"

"The Centaurs!" Gorbak cried in an outrage.

"Yes, the Centaurs." Kahn said, half laughing. "You see, both your son and your finest soldier have both failed. Why should I bother with such a weak race?"

"You… You've sold us out!"

"Sold you out? You failed me Gorbak… and that is simply something I cannot tolerate anymore…"

Gorbak took a step back in fear and anger. He clenched all four of his fists…. He lunged at the Emperor… but in an instant…. It was over…Gorbak lay on the ground, dead…

Kahn grinned, he had just blasted the Shokan King with a small blast of energy that cut through his chest. Liu gasped in shock at the sight seen before him. This was the Emperor Shao Kahn that he had heard about… so cruel, so emotionless, so cold…

Without turning around, Kahn spoke. "So you're this Liu Kang that I've been hearing about."

Liu gasped in shock as he jumped out of his hiding spot.

'Hmm…" Kahn said, turning to face him. "You're a bit younger than I expected." It was here that Liu realized just how tall Shao Kahn was. He was at the very least as tall as Goro. His red eyes looked down upon Liu with pure evil.

Liu did not answer instead he took a step back and took a fighting stance, causing Kahn to chuckle. "You've got guts kid. I'll give you that."

Liu clenched his fists and started forming fire in his hands. Kahn did nothing but smile. "I like your attitude." Suddenly he charged up a little white ball in his hands and sent it at Liu, who was struck in the chest and landed back with a yell.

Dazed, Liu looked at Shao Kahn, who turned in the other direction and merely walked away. Liu got to his feet and watched Kahn just walk away. His eyes meeting Shao Kahn's back. Now he knew what his mission was as the Champion of Mortal Kombat… his mission was to stop this being… He must stop Shao Kahn…


Sub-Zero ran outside the Coliseum… the Thunder God had to around here somewhere….


Suddenly a bolt of lightning hit the ground and the Thunder God calmly spoke. "Yes?"

"Scorpion… he… he…"

"Calm down… then speak."

Sub-Zero took a few moments to catch his breath.

"Scorpion… he spared my life… why?"

Raiden took a moment before replying. "That I do not know. You would have to ask Scorpion yourself."

"But isn't he a hellspawn warrior of Shinnok?"

"No… he is not. Though he may be a spawn of Hell, he is completely independent of Shinnok, in fact, if you ever run into a demon in the Netherrealm, they will try to kill you. Scorpion would probably just ignore you."

"So then my brother lied?"

"Yes. Some of it was true no doubt. But I think he probably made himself sound more heroic than he actually was. However, he did not heed my warning that there was evil in his soul. Scorpion killed him out of vengeance for his own family."


"Yes, your brother murdered Scorpion. Ignoring his pleas for mercy. It was your clan's ignorance and greed that caused the situation. I more or less forced your brother to go. He didn't have a choice, as he said. After taking the amulet back from Shinnok. He returned to the Lin Kuei Temple where he no doubt told you of his adventures in the Netherrealm."

"Wait… my brother killed Scorpion… mercilessly?"

"Yes… and he is not the only one to have received such brutality from your brother. You need to start thinking about how you want to live your life… otherwise you will become a tortured soul in the Netherrealm just like your brother." With that, Raiden vanished again, leaving a stunned Sub-Zero behind.

Sub-Zero looked at his own hands. He too had murdered… ever since his father took him and his brother to China to become Lin Kuei Warriors, he felt loyal to the clan, he thought of them as being honorable warriors, who only killed when they had to. But now… after his confrontation with the ninja specter… Scorpion… he had seen what evil his clan was capable of… his brother, the man he respected so much… was nothing but a cold-blooded murderer it seemed… yet deep down… that respect for his brother would never leave… he knew that.

He would complete this mission… yet at the moment, he was unsure if this was to be his last…

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