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Liu Kang began the fight with his Flying Kick, but Baraka was ready for the attack and ducked under the kick, as Liu Kang landed, Baraka tried to end the fight by impaling his blades into Liu's chest. Liu ducked under the attack and somersaulted to the right, Baraka followed with more blade swipes, but Liu avoided them all, as they neared a wall, Liu brought out both of his hands and clapping them together, he struck Baraka in the chest.

Baraka was sent flying back with a yell. He hit the ground, groaning as he did. Liu took this moment to catch his breath. As Baraka got to his feet, holding his chest in pain, he smiled at the young warrior.

"You are as good as they say, perhaps even better."

Liu did not respond, he was just preparing his fireballs. Liu sent his first fireball at the Tarkatan, Baraka dodged the attack and rolled to the side, Liu crouched down and sent another fireball at Baraka, which nearly hit him in the legs, as Liu prepared one final fireball, Baraka was ready and from his blades came two shards, Liu was struck in the chest, holding his chest in pain, Liu had no time to dodge Baraka's next attack, Baraka grabbed him by the neck and right leg and soon the two were propelled into the air, Liu landed on his chest while Baraka landed on his back, as Liu got to his feet, Baraka rolled backwards and regain his footing.

Now the two were parrying each other's blows, their fists got the others as they both tried to gain the advantage over the other.


Kitana ducked under Mileena's attack. Mileena was heading towards the ground, headfirst, but by extending his hands, she was able to catch the ground and leap further into the air, landing safely a good distance away from Kitana.

As Mileena found her footing, her meeting with Kahn in the morning played back in her mind.

Mileena bowed before the Emperor, and got down on one knee.

"What is it that you wish to ask of me, Father?"

"Mileena, over the past few days, I have grown… suspicious of your sister."

"As have I."

Kahn nodded, before he continued. "She has been acting strange, I want you to keep an eye on her."

"Of course, Father, of course." Mileena said, getting up to go.

"Keep an eye on her, Mileena. That is all I ask."

This was her chance, now if she could kill Kitana here and now. Then she could finally earn her place as Shao Kahn's true daughter. For she knew that Kitana was not a true daughter of the Emperor, nor her real sister, but none of that mattered, it was time to end their rivalry once and for all.

"Mileena, you don't have to do this…" Kitana said, trying to get through to her. "We could work together, we could overthrow Kahn…"

"Shut you goddamn mouth!" Mileena shouted, angrily. "Why would I betray my father?"

"He's not your father, he's not my father! He's been using us both… he's…"

"Shut up!" Mileena said, walking towards Kitana.

"Mileena… he's not your father… you were cloned from me… you…"

"I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP!" Mileea shouted, an unknown rage embodying her. She rolled into a ball and came rolling on the ground at Kitana's feet. Kitana had no time to react and she was flung in the air. As Mileena uncurled herself, she leapt up and struck Kitana in the chest. Kitana was sent flying onto her back.

Struggling to keep conscious, Kitana saw that Mileena was coming down at her with her sais pointing at her face. Thinking quickly, Kitana took her fans out and starting spinning them out in front of her. A gust of air, pushed Mileena backwards and she found herself traveling along the wind.

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