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As Liu exited the Foundry, Kung leapt from the shadows and landed in front of him.

"Kung Lao? What are you doing here?" Liu let out surprised.

"Keeping an eye on you, Liu Kang." Kung said.

"What are you talking about?" Liu asked.

"I watched you talk to her. It seems you've got a little crush going."

"What? What are you talking about?" Liu replied, somewhat angrily.

"Well, I don't think it's a good idea for you to get too close to her, Liu. You know about your responsibilities?"

"Responsibilities? Don't we both have the same responsibility at the moment to defeat Shao Kahn and save Earth?" Liu replied, his anger growing.

"You forget that you are the Mortal Kombat Champion. You will never grow old until you lose the next tournament. You can't fall in love, it'll only tear you apart."

"I don't care!" Liu shouted. "Some stupid little tournament isn't going to stop me from living my life!"

"Regardless, how can you be falling in love with an assassin? You know, she might just be using this to get close to you and then when you least suspect it, she'll strike. I know how assassins work, Liu."

"She's not like that. If you heard her story…"

"How do you know it was true?" Kung yelled.

"I just know." Liu said, quickly.

"You just know? She could be lying, you know."

"I don't think so…" Liu said, trying to get ahead of Kung. He was suddenly walking faster.

"You can't be sure and besides like I said before, you have a responsibility…"

"My responsibility? As I recall, it was supposed to be yours."

"It never said it had to be mine, they just wanted it to be mine…"

"Yes. They did want you. But did you? No, you ran from it! Shang Tsung was right about one thing, you are a coward!" Liu shouted, he had lost his temper.

"What did you say?" Kung shouted. "At least, I was fighting to defend the Shaolin Temples, unlike you!"

"That wasn't my fault!" Liu shouted back.

"No, but it was your fault that the Temples were attacked in the first place. That is true."

"Shut up!" Liu shouted.

"You won at the tournament, but look at the price: our Shaolin Brothers are dead! You and I are the last members of the Order of Light."

Before Liu could answer, a flash of thunder in between them. "ENOUGH! Both of you stop this petty bickering, you have more important things to worry about!" Raiden shouted. Liu and Kung both fell silent. "For now, the two of you must return to your chambers, you must rest for the tournament tomorrow."

With a slight nod, both Liu Kang and Kung Lao headed back to the chambers.


And so the warriors rested for the night, wondering who they would be fighting.

Morning dawned in the realm of Outworld and the first to awake was Kitana, she got up from her bed. In her nighttime gown, she went to her drawers, where she took out her fighting outfit. As she changed, she grabbed her blue mask and tied it over her mouth.

"Well, look who's all ready for battle?" came a voice. Kitana turned and was somewhat annoyed to see Mileena standing in her doorway.

"Yes." Kitana replied, as she grabbed her two fans.

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