Chapter 30

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Hey guys :) hope you all are having a good Christmas! OMG!!! NIALL GOT A MANKINI *le goes to corner and fangirls

there's like another 5 chapters to go, maybe even less, :): mixed feelings :P

Chapter 30 (omigosh)

Sabrina's POV

I wake up to the sound of my annoying phone ringing. I grumble, as I lift my head up, and find that I'm on my couch. Last night comes back in a blur, and I can vaguely remember dozing off with Zayn next to mr.

I turn my head, and surely enough, Zayn's splayed out on the couch, the sound of his deep, rhythmic breathing barely audible. Zayn looks gorgeous, even more then he usually does. His raven hair is tousled, and messy, his eyes are closed, making his eyelashes look even more pronounced. He looks so peaceful, and careless, he looks younger. And I can feel myself falling more in love with him by the minute.

Another ring blasts through the still room, and I finally pick it up, muttering a few swear words first.


"Sabrina? Where are you?!" My mom's voice rings through the phone

"At home, where else would I be?" I ask begrudgingly.

I hear her sigh over the line, before replying, "Sorry, I was just worried. I haven't heard from you in the past few days and without Maggie there and all...And then I saw you on the covers of some tabloids with Zayn..."

I feel a pang of guilt, I hadn't even thought of calling to let my parents know everything was fine.

"Sorry mom..." I mutter sheepishly.

"It's fine... listen, I have some news for you.

I wonder for moment what it could be. At this point anyways, nothing could really be worse than finding out my parents are getting divorced.


She sighs, yet again, and says heavily, "You're going to court."

If I had water in my mouth at the moment, I would have probably spluttered it everywhere.

"Court??" I ask, completely aghast.

"Yeah. Since you're over 18, you have to choose who will get full custody of you."

"Custody?" The unknown word rolls off my tongue, as fear bubbles in my stomach.

"Yes. Obviously, you'll still be able to see your other parent, but one will have full responsibility over you.

"And when is this court case?" I ask, hoping my voice doesn't betray how worried, scared, and hurt I am.

"In a week. Listen, I have to go, I just thought I'd give you some time to make a choice."

"O-ok. Bye Mom, love you." I quickly reply, before hanging up. I stand there dumbfounded, as my I phone tumbles out of my hand, onto the couch.

But sitting still just won't do it. I get up, and begin to pace back and forth across the room, for lack of any thing better to do.

I almost forget Zayn's presence, until he mutters in a sleepy voice "Hey, what's going on?"

I jump and turn around, staring at him for a few moments, unable to formulate a proper sentence. I finally let out the breath I've been holding, and run into his arms.

"Zayn!" I sob, clutching onto him for dear life, afraid that he too, will desert me.

"Hey, hey," He shushes me, "It's gonna be okay, don't worry." He rubs soothing patterns in my back, as I cry the anger, fear, resentment, and pain away.

When I finally calm down, he places I light kiss on my forehead. His lips are warm, and when they touch my skin, the warmth spreads throughout my entire body.

"I'm sorry, I keep on having break down's. Must be exhausting to be around me." I giggle, wiping away a stray tear.

He chuckles, "Nah! Not at all, growing with three sisters kinda prepares you."

After a short pause, where I cuddle against him, he finally asks, "So, what happened."

I sigh, finally fully coming to terms with it.

"I have to go to court, I have to choose between my Mom and my Dad."

A look of pain crosses Zayn's handsome features, and he hugs ms just a bit tighter.

"I'm here for you, okay?" he reminds me.

I smile, "I know."

*. *. *.

I know this is a pretty short chapter, but I don't want to start the next thing in this chapter. Anyways, I plan on writing the next chapter right now.

This story is coming to an end :,( can't believe it!

Please vote comment, and fan:)

25 votes, 10 comments.

Can we make it to 1,000 votes by the end of the story??

That's like another 200 votes.... Yeh?

So I know I haven't done these recently, sorry :-/

Question) Anything cool to tell me about Christmas? Anyone got some nice presents? 1D concert tickets?


Yours Truly,


P.S. I bet Niall looks sexy in mankini.... *_~

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