Chapter 12

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Hey!!! Omg! Got these awesome british flag patterned sunglasses today XD Ugh my sister is such a pain! Sorry I couldn't finish sooner, but my annoying Aunt was all like "Enough computer usage! It's bad for your brain blah blah blah! If u keep using it so much, I'll take it away! Blah blah blah. Poop grownups >.< it's so annoying! Cuz if I was sitting there writing this chappie in a notebook shed be like, aaw I'm so happy your writing! meh, whatever, onto the chapter..

Chapter 12

Sabrina's POV

I watched Zayn's expression as he drove up towards the towering black gates that surrounded the mansion. I was a bit surprised that he didn't seem so impressed, or maybe it was something else. Then it clicked, of course! That famous friend he told me about! If he was as famous as Zayn made him out to be, he must have a mansion almost- if not as big as this one.

Zayn drove up to the intercom, and it crackled to life. I could imagine Casper's eyes widen when he saw Zayn through the camera. I quickly leaned over and looked at the camera, "Hey Casper, it's me."

Soon the gates creaked open, and Zayn drove up to the front door and turned off the ignition. "A-are you sure about this? I mean, I know I was all excited about meeting your mom and all, but..." I gave a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, she'll love you!"

Zayn's POV

No, I'm not worried about Sabrina's mom, I'm worried about hurting Sabrina. I've got to tell her! Ok, I'm going to tell her. Once we're inside, I'll tell her.

I walked up the pathway, and waited as Sabrina unlocked the front door. We stepped into a vast intrance hall, twin staircases on each side of the hall, both leading upstairs. A shining crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting a glow on a few expensive pieces of artwork hanging at strategic points. A hall way exactly in between both staircases led towards the rest of the first floor.

"Wow..." I breathed, observing my surroundings. Sabrina smiled, "To be honest, I'd be happier in a three bedroom apartment." I couldn't help but agree. I totally related. Living in a small apartment, in the heart of London, going the University, hanging out at cafes with my friends after class. Yeah, I'd dreamed about it many times since I became famous. So for Sabrina, who was born famous, it was normal, even expected.

Sabrina's POV

"Mom?" I asked, stepping into the large, state of the art kitchen. It was empty. I turned and made my way to the family room my mom usually worked in.

I walked in, Zayn behind me. I found my mom sitting on a fancy grey love seat talking on the phone. We all loved this room because of the large windows lining one side of the room, which gave a paranomic view of our large pool, bar and grill, with a gorgeous backdrop of lush green hills, and the clear Californian sky.

Mom looked up when she heard me, and gave me a big smile. I wasn't sure if she had noticed Zayn or not. She quickly finished up her conversation with what seemed to be her marketing manager, and hung up the phone. "Sabrina! How are you? And this is...?" She asked, pointing to Zayn. I felt him tense behind me, "Zayn." I answered, giving her a pointed look. Recognition showed in her eyes. "Hello Zayn dear! I'm Josephina, but you can call me whatever you want!" She said, holding out her hand. Zayn smiled, and shook it. "Nice to meet you... Mam."

"So, d'you guys want anything? Coke? Sandwiches?" Mom asked, then seemed to notice our sopping wet clothes, and added, "A change of clothes?" Zayn laughed, "I think we'll go upstairs and get changed, Zayn can borrow Dad's clothes, ok?" I asked, mom nodded and we turned to leave.

*. *. *.

"Here, these should fit you." I informed Zayn, and tossed him one of my Dad's old T-shirts, and a pair of jeans. He caught them, "Thanks." He muttered, then added, "Uh were's the bathroom?" I pointed to a door to his right, and said, "When your done, I'll be in my room, which the two doors down from the bathroom." Zayn nodded, and headed towards the door.

I walked into my room and shut the door behind me. I slid down against it and let out a long sigh. I kissed Zayn. I, Sabrina Analee Collins kissed Zayn. Today. And it was everything I could have dreamed of and more. I felt like his lips belonged on mine. Like his hand belonged in mine, like his heart belonged with mine.

I finally got my butt off the floor, and grabbed some shorts and a plain black T-shirt from my drawers.

Once I was changed, I reapplied my mascara quickly, and was about to go check on Zayn, when I heard my mom call me from downstairs.

"Hey Zayn, I'll be downstairs talking to my mom. You can wait for me in my room if you want!" I told Zayn through the bathroom door. "Okay!" He replied.

I quickly ran downstairs to the family room were my mom was waiting.

Zayn's POV

I slipped on the jeans Sabrina had given me, and was surprised to see they fit. I turned around to look in the mirror. I looked decent, but my hair was a different story.

I was in the middle of trying to fix my hair in the mirror when Sabrina knocked on the bathroom door and said, "Hey Zayn, I'll be downstairs talking to my mom. You can wait for me in my room if you want!"

I quickly replied, "Okay!" and went back to fixing my hair.

*. *. *.

After having deemed my hair okay enough, I walked over to Sabrina's room, wet clothes in hand. I opened the door to find a large master bedroom. The room was painted lilac, and had turquoise Chinese lanterns hanging at different points around the room. In the middle of the room sat a white, twin king sized bed with a torquise comforter, and purple throw pillows on it.

Above the bed was a big picture frame. Closer exmanition showed it was a picture of 10 year old Sabrina with her mom and dad at a beach. Sabrina seemed to be laughing at something her father had just said, her face turned, looking up at him in glee.

Just this one picture showed me that, even though Sabrina said she hated having famous parents, and wished she was normal, she treasured her family more then anything else.

"Hey Zayn, hope I didn't make you wait too long." Sabrina said, shutting her bedroom door behind her, and breaking me out of my thoughts.

I turned around to find her standing there, smiling at me. She was sporting simple Jean shorts, and a plain black T-shirt. She had ankle socks on, with no shoes, and her hair was thrown in a messy bun. She couldn't have looked more beautiful.

"No! It's okay! Uuh, can I put this down somewhere?" I asked, motioning to my wet clothes. "Sure, right there!" She replied, pointing to a desk chair nearby. After putting the clothes down, I went and sat down on her bed, mentally readying myself to tell her exactly who I am.

She took a seat besides me, and said, "Sorry about that, my mom was just telling me that we're going out of town, some dumb award show or other. But I still have to pack, I'm sorry. I had lot of fun today, thanks!" She said, smiling. "No problem!" I leaned over and gave her a hug.

After a few moments, I pulled away, "Uh what about my clothes?" I asked. "Oh don't worry! I'll have the maids wash them, and I'll return them to you!" I nodded, but still grabbed my leather jacket, not wanting to be separated from it.

I stood up and walked to the door. I turned back, my hand on the knob, "Bye Sabrina, I'll miss you." She smiled, "Bye my bad boy, I'll miss you too."

I felt my heart warm up and I smiled even bigger. And as usual, I couldn't get the smile off my face all the way home.

* *. *.

Were's Sabrina going? Was she telling the truth? what about there kiss? You'll find out.... If I get at least TEN comments, NOT counting my own! Okay? Cuz I saw I got at least 14 votes on this chapter, but only THREE comments, and I got over TWO HUNDRED FRIKING READS just on this chapter. Now that's sad. I'm sorry. Out of two hundred people, fourteen actually bothered to press a tiny button. Wow.

So 10 comments, and 15 votes. No less.

Thanks! :)


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