Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Sabrina's POV

I sit on Zayn's lap, as he hugs my body close, rocking me slightly.

"Zayn, I can't do this, I can't." I sob, clutching onto him for dear life. My eyes are shut tight, and my lungs are gasping for air. Zayn kisses my forehead, "Sabrina, I believe in you." He whispers.

I open my eyes, and they meet his caramel ones, "Zayn, I love you." I say simply. His eyes light up, and he smiles,

"I love you too Sabrina, and don't you ever forget it." to add emphasis, he grabs my hand and squeezes it.

I nestle my head in the crook of his neck, and inhale deeply, finding his smell comforting.

"Listen, tomorrow, we're going to spend the day together and have fun. Just have fun, forget about everything. Fuck the paparazzi, fuck the status quo, fuck being famous. We're just going to forget about everything. Ok?"

I smile and nod, already anticipating it. The small diva in me itches with curiosity, "What should I wear?" I ask.

Zayn laughs, "Now that's more like the Sabrina I know!" I join in and giggle,

"Really! What should I wear?"

"Just wear a bathing suit and something over it. We're going to get wet!"

I nod, and hug him, "I know I've already said this, but thank you so much for everything Zayn."

He returns the embrace and replies, "No, thank you."

*. *. *

The next morning, I've finally made my mind up on a light blue, strapless bikini, with an a knitted, baggy, beige shirt over it, and ripped, denim shorts. My hair is in a loose fish net braid, and I'm sporting my aviators.

I grab my phone, and my bag, that holds my belongings for the day. As I go downstairs, I dial Zayn's number. The kitchen is as usual empty, either because everyone's not home, or asleep. Either way, I don't really care.

After three rings, Zayn picks up, "Hello?"

I smile, "Hey Zayn, what time are you picking me up?"

"Hey Sabrina! Uh, I'll be there in 20 minutes, is that good?"

I nod, "Perfect. See you soon."

I hang up, and grab an apple from a large bowl on the counter. I take a bite out of it as I plop onto a nearby couch and flick the tv on. The first thing that greets my eyes is a picture of me cradled in Zayn's arm. My face is buried in his chest, and his has a fierce, angry look on it. I quickly change the channel, I won't let anything ruin this day.

After what seems like longer then it probably is, I hear the familiar honk, and race outside, clutching my bag. I pull open the passenger door of the shiny black convertible, and hop in. Zayn greets me with a smile, and a peck on the cheek. I'm already feeling like I'm on cloud 9, this day's off to a good start.

"Hey beautiful!" He says, as he pushes the gear into drive, and we speed off.

For the next half hour or so, we blast the radio, roll the windows down, and snack on tootsie rolls, and chips, or as Zayn calls them, "Crips".

We finally pull into a small side street. I barely have time to read the large billboard that says, "Sea World, California" with an arrow pointing in the direction we'd just gone in.

"Sea world?! I've never been there before!" I exclaim.

It's true, all though I've lived here all my life, I've never been here before. I don't even want to try to imagine what it'd be like for my parents to have to deal with a hyperactive, sopping wet 5 year old- yours truly- and the paparazzi at the same time.

With a shiver, I remember that my parents and I won't be going on any more family outings; we weren't a family any more.

Before I begin to wallow in self pity again, I turn my attention back to Zayn, who is feverishly trying to find a parking spot in the maze of vehicles. once he finally finds one he's happy with, he pulls in, and turns off the car.

I unbuckle myself and hop out. Zayn grabs my bag in one hand, and my hand in the other, and we begin walking towards the entrance. I feel like a little kid again, as the sound of laughter and fun, accompanied by the bright hues of the ticket booths make my stomach flip-flop in anticipation.

Just as we're about to step up to the ticket booth, Zayn motions to my sunglasses, and gives me a pointed look. I get the message, and slip them over my eyes. He smiles, and does the same, pulling his ray-bans down, covering his head in a "Dallas Mavericks" snapback.

Time to have fun.

*. *. *.


I know, I know. I'm a horrible person. I've been a lazy ass lately, and haven't gotten down to write a chapter. Im sorry:(

I know this was a filler chapter, but next chapter will be al fluffy and cute, dorm worry:)


I want to give a HUGE thank you to @sammyspirt_12 for the book trailer:

Plz go tell her how amazayn it is, And don't forget to go and fan her!!:D

Thank you love:)

Also, I keep getting new ideas in my head for cool stories, that I personally think r even better then this one- and I posted one if them, wich is "Eyes" and I didn't get any votes or conments:( and this was like a month ago!! Ibrlyblove the plot for it and verything, and I have it all planned out, but should I do another sorry I just though of instead?! Please read what I posted and lemme no!!!!

Thank you<333

Thanks for the amaZAYN feed back on last chapter!

33 votes, 20 comments?

I didn't dress up for Halloween:)

But I loved all ire costumes!

Question) is anyone here a whovian? Hehe, jw! CUZ I AM:D

Also, if inward tonsure making random video/ blogs thingies on youtube, would watch them??!

Kk! Peace out:)

Stay beautiful<3

yours Truly,


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