Chapter 19

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Hey hey!:D here's chapter nineteen for you guys!

Chapter 19

Zayn's POV

I fidgeted with my fingers nervously as the moments passed by agonizingly slowly. Finally, I decided to ring the bell a second time.

Just like in the horror movies, the door opened slowly, but instead of it revealing an evil witch standing on the other side, it was Sabrina, looking quite shaken.

"U-um, I left my Jeans and T-Shirt here... It's a black t-Shir-" I began to say, but stopped short as both of our eyes traveled down to the shirt she was wearing. My shirt.

I looked back up at her, to find that she was blushing profusely.

"Uh, well actually, it's that T-shirt." I mumbled. After a moment of pure awkwardness, she seemed to process what I was saying and exclaimed, "Oh!..." before blushing again.

"S-sorry, I'll go get your pants." She muttered, still bright red. She quickly ran upstairs, leaving me standing in the doorway.

I let myself in, closing the door behind me. I looked around, and the house seemed pretty empty. But then again, it was a 11 bedroom house with three people living in it...

A few moments later, Sabrina came thundering down the stairs, changed into a tight, black singlet, my shirt and pants in her hand.

"Here," she said, handing them to me, "the maids didn't get a chance to wash them cuz we were in London and all.."

I nodded, "It's ok. Thanks." I muttered, before pulling the door open once again and stepping outside.

Sabrina's POV

Zayn stepped outside, and started to walk away, suddenly turned around, "I-" he started to say, but stopped short, turned back around, and continued walking towards his car.

I felt my heart plummet, curiosity overwhelming me. What was he going to say? I was so tempted to run after him, and beg him to tell me what he'd been about to say.

Instead, I slammed the door shut, not even waiting to see his car pull out of the driveway.

I stormed up the stairs and threw myself onto my bed, and felt tears well up my eyes. I sobbed and sobbed. I sobbed about how stupid I'd been, I sobbed about Zayn, I sobbed because I was sick and tired of this. I'd give anything in this world to be a normal, not famous teenager right now. Anything.

When I finally quieted down, I pulled my laptop open and opened a search page. I couldn't help myself, and decided to do some stalking. I quickly typed in the words "One Direction" as the image of the name floating on the large screen at the Brit Awards popped into my head. There was no way I could ever forget that name. The page loaded, and I clicked on "images"

Hundreds of pictures popped up, I decided to do the simple way, and just clicked on the first picture, it was- of course- a picture of them at the Brit Awards.

I recognized most of them, there was the leader, the cute little blond one, the gorgeous curly haired, dimpled one, and the really sweet looking, strongly built one, and Zayn. They were all gorgeous, but all though I hated to admit it, Zayn was the most good looking. (This is just her opinion! Everyone has their own opinion.)

I clicked on the link below the picture and waited for the article to load. Okay, so the leader was Louis, the cute one was Niall, the dimpled one was Harry, and well built one was Liam. Not bad.

"Knock Knock?" I heard my mom ask from the other side of my door. I quickly shut the server page, and furiously rubbed my eyes in attempt to remove any traces that could hint to the fact that I'd been crying.

"Come in." I answered finally, she peeked into my room and smiled when she caught sight of me, "Hey sweetie." She greeted me, I returned the smile and replied, "Hey mom. Were's dad?"

I watched her expression change instantly to one of hurt and betrayal.

"Out." she said simply.

I nodded, not wanting to make things any more awkward.

"Oh, I called Maggie. She's not coming until I call her. Your father and I should be around, and even if we're not, I don't mind you being home alone with Casper. Ok?"

Well, at least one good thing's happened to me! I tried to hide my sheer joy, and nodded. After a moment, my mom grinned,

"I know you don't like her. I don't either. You can laugh and scream if you want."

I smiled widely, and jumped forward to hug her, "Thankyouthankyouthankyou! I love you!" I squealed.

Zayn's POV

Before I even had a chance to pull out of her drive way, Sabrina had slammed the door shut.

I took one last glance at the mansion behind me, knowing it was probably the last time I would ever see this house, then shook myself out of my reverie, and drove away.

*. *. *.

"Hey mat-" Louis started to say, bouncing towards me as I entered the house. I pushed past him, and stormed upstairs.

I slammed my bedroom door shut behind me, and slumped onto my bed. I was so mad. I was so sick and tired of this!

I hate Sabrina! I never want to see her again! You know what?! Let her go live her stupid popstar life! See if I give two shits!

I angrily tossed the dirty clothes on the floor, and pulled out my cellphone. I scrolled through my contact list, trying to find someone I could call and vent my feelings to, my hand automatically stopped at Sabrina's name.

I felt my shoulders slump in defeat, as my anger ebbed away, who am I kidding? I love Sabrina, no matter how many times she breaks my heart. I DO give two shits about her, in fact, I give a lot of shits about her. I chuckled to myself at how stupid I was sounding.

But the moment of humor was replaced by determination. I was going to her her back. No matter what.

In fact, I think I have a plan.

*. *. *.

Ok, so itches just a filler, I no :P but don't, LOTSA action next chapter...;)

Sorry for the wait!

My fav. Movie is....

I really dont know... But I LOVE Despicable me. Could watch it over and over!

Question) fav TV show?

Kk! 37 votes and 18 comments?

Wuv u guys!

Yours truly,


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