Chapter 18

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Song on the side is "wish you were here" by Avril Lavigne. I'm not sure if it works, since I'm doing this from an i-touch, if it doesn't work, I'm sorry.

Chapter 18

Sabrina's POV

I dragged my suitcase up the stairs, nearly stumbling out of exhaustion. We had landed about an hour ago, and it was only four in the afternoon, but I felt like it was 2 in the morning, which technically it was- in London.

Let's just say, I don't plan on going back there ever again. I hadn't exactly had the best experience. [biggest understatement of the century]

I finally reached my bedroom door, and shoved it open. I dropped my suitcase on the floor, and walked over to my desk.

As awaited for my laptop to turn on, I noticed a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt slung over the back of my desk chair. I fought tears as reached towards them and grabbed them.

I had completely forgotten to give them to our maid before we left, so they hadn't been washed, but they had definitely dried while we were in England. I picked up the T-shirt and held it to my nose. The faint smell of Zayn's cologne, mixed with his hairspray, and the regular, boy smell lingered on the T-shirt.

Without giving it a second thought, I threw off the tank top I was wearing, and slipped on Zayn's T-shirt. I may hate him, but it doesn't mean I don't miss him, or wish he was here.

I grabbed my laptop and plopped down on my bed. I logged on to twitter and went to the home page. I skimmed through the trends to find that #WishYouWereHere was the number one worldwide trend.

I felt a pang in my heart, because it was exactly how I felt. I clicked on it, to find the most popular tweet.

@ZaynMalik1D: " I miss u and #WishYouWereHere

You no who u are<3"

There was no doubt in my mind that he was talking about me. I wanted to cry. why was he making this so difficult for me?!

He gains my trust, breaks my heart, and makes me fall in love all over again. I hated myself. I hated him. But most of all, I hated the fact that I couldn't help but love him.

Suddenly, something caught my eye. In the news section, there was a link, with the title,

"Hotel Maid tells all. "My amazing night with William"

I snorted in disgust, of this was about my dad, I swear I was going to take those stupid Pappariazzi's cameras and stick them up their you-know-what's. I warily clicked on the link and waited for it to load.

Under a picture of my father at the Brit awards, posing with my mom, was the article. I sat up, pulling the laptop onto my lap, and began to read,

"After Brit Awards last night, multiple Oscar winner and Actor, William Collins, allegedly hooked up with one of the hotel's Maids in an empty supply closet.

26 year old Nancy Adams, tells CNN all-."

I was too disgusted to even finish reading the article. I shut down my computer, and lay back on my bed. Yeah sure, the paparazzi had made up some pretty nasty rumors about one or both of my parents before, but this was pretty serious. I hated them. Why did they have to do things like that. How would they feel if someone spent their time sabotaging their relationships and image?!

I got up, and slowly made my way downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to find my mother sitting at the table, a mug of strong coffee in hand, and her laptop in front of her. As I walked up behind her, she casually reduced the page she was looking at. but not before I got a glimpse of it. It was the article I had just been reading.

I wanted to comfort her, and remind her it was all bull, but if she hadn't wanted me to see it, she obviously didn't want mento talk about it, so I kept my mouth shut.

She turned towards me, as I began to make a coffee of my own,

"Hey sweetie. How you holding up?" She asked.

I went and took a seat next to her at the table. "Okay, very tired though." I informed her, taking a sip of my coffee.

We weren't sleeping, since if we went to sleep now, we wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. Jetlag was a pain.

"Well, maybe you can unpack a bit. Maria can do the rest of the unpacking tomorrow." My mom informed me, referring to our maid.

I nodded, and went to dump my mug in the sink.

"Okay then, I'll be unpacking." I said, before making my way back upstairs.

Zayn's POV

I stared at the screen, not really registering what I was looking at. All I could wonder was wether she had seen it. I mean, it was trending. My tweet was the top one. Who am I kidding, there's no way she saw it. I'm just so desperate for something, anything, that shows I might get her back, that I'm starting to make things up.

I walked over to my dresser in hopes of finding something fresh and comfortable to wear, since I'd been wearing this outfit for the 10 hour plane ride. I opened the top drawer, and realized something was missing. Suddenly, I had a flash back of me standing in Sabrina's room, wet clothes in hand.

I'd left my jeans and tshirt at her house.

Sabrina's POV

I stepped out of the shower and threw on Zayn's T-shirt with a pair of shorts and ankle socks. I was just about to go downstairs for dinner, when I heard the doorbell ring.

"Sabrina, can you get it?! I'm on the phone!" I heard my mom call from her room. "I'm on it!" I answered, before running down the stairs and towards the door. I quickly peeked into the peephole to make sure it wasn't paparazzi or some crazed fan.

Paparazzi would have been brilliant compared to who was standing there.

*. *. *.

HahahA!! Cliffy!..... Well not really. Cuz it's REEAALLY obvious who it is ;)

Or is it?

Yeah, it is!

Hope you guys liked this chapter! This is the first chapter fully written after I got back from vacation, *sniff sniff :,( I miss the place:(

My fav book series of ALL times is....


HARREH POTTAAAAAA!!!!<3 so yeah:) hardcore potterhead ova' here!

Question) fav movie?

35 votes, and 18 comments? Can we get to 400 votes before chapter 20?!?!!?!??

Hopefully YYEESSSHHH!!!

Okay, bye:)

Yours truly,


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