Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Sabrina's POV

The instant I woke up, I knew something was wrong. I was lying in someone else's bed, with someone else's arms wrapped around my waist. I looked down, and to my horror,found my self in someone else's shirt. I slowly turned my head to find the familiar, rather dark, face of Zayn Malik.

I quickly threw his arms off my waist, and scrambled off the bed. I ran to the other side of the room, trying to get as far away as possible from his sleeping figure, lying entangled in the bed sheets.

Once I'd composed myself, I took a deep breath and slowly tiptoed back to the bed, and crawled onto it. I inched towards him, and finally stuck my face close to his, glaring at him angrily. It was as if he could sense my eyes boring holes into his closed ones, because they immediately snapped open. I pummeled him in the face with a pillow, and screamed, "WHAT THE HELL?!" knowing he knew fully well what I was talking about.

"Well good morning to you too." He grumbled. I wacked him on the arm, and exclaimed agitatedly, "What is this?!?" Motioning to us, lying on his bed.

"It's a bed." he said matter of factly, rubbing his arm. I rolled my eyes and snorted, "No shit, Sherlock." after a short pause, I shook my head impatiently at him. "You want to explain?!? What am I doing in your T-shirt, in your bed, with you?!?"

He blushed slightly, "It's not my shirt, it El's or Dani's I pulled out of a random drawer in their dresser." I wasn't reassured, and kept glaring at him.

"I thought you'd be uncomfortable in your clothes, so I put it on you... I-I didn't look." he muttered, looking down at his fingers nails, his cheeks bright red.

I was too angry to care how awkward this technically was, and asked, "This still doesn't explain why I woke up in your bed!" I glared at him, jabbing a finger at his chest. He instantly seemed very interested by the Bedsheets, and stared at them, not answering me. But he didn't need to, I could see it in his eyes- guilt.

"Zayn," I started, my anger receding only slightly, "You really shouldn't have done that." He quickly looked up, and opened his mouth as if he was about to say something- apologize probably- but I cut him off, "Thank the guys and girls for me. I've gotta go." I muttered.

I started to walk out of the room, but stopped short at the sound of Zayn's voice, "Sabrina- your clothes, they're in El and Dani's room." I nodded, and rushed out of the room.

*. *. *.

Once I was dressed, and had deemed my hair decent enough, I escaped the house as fast as I could, hailing the first cab I saw.

After handing the cabbie a few bills, I hopped out of the car, slamming the door behind me. I walked up my drive way, unlocked the door, and slid in as quietly as I could. I was dreading what my parent's reaction to all this would be, but my house seemed empty.

I ran upstairs, thanking my lucky stars no one was home.

I ran into my room, shutting the door behind me, and plopped onto my bed. I stared up at my ceiling, trying to get my extremely confused feelings in check. I was starting to get sick of Zayn messing with my emotions like this, but I couldn't blame him, he probably didn't even realize.

My stomach grumbled loudly and I realized I hadn't eaten anything since last night, and it was already 11 in the morning. I got off the bed, and headed downstairs. I walked into the kitchen, and found my mom sitting at the table on here computer, as usual.

"Hey mom! Is dad home?" I asked as casually as I could, as I scanned the fridge for something appetizing. I finally decided on a bagel, locks, and cream cheese, and put all my ingredients on the counter. As I cut the bagel in half, my mom replied,

"No, they needed him for a really important scene back in Italy. So he flew back last night, but he should be home tomorrow afternoon."

I nodded, as I spread cream cheese onto the bagel. Today was going to be pretty uneventful, I guess. Well- expect for the part where I woke up in Zayn's bed- but whatever.

Once I finished making my bagel, and gave my mom a quick peck on the cheek, and ran back upstairs. I quickly changed into a baggy T-shirt and some comfortable sweat pants, ready for a day of doing absolutely nothing. I sat down on my bed, and grabbed my laptop from my bedside table. As I waited for it to turn on, I took a bite out of my bagel, sighing in delight.

For the next few hours, I did some more stalking of One Direction. It was kind of strange seeing all these pictures, videos, and articles about them since I'd just met them face to face last night. Most of the videos I watched were from their time on the X-factor. I had to admit, these guys were good. My favorite song that they'd sang on factor had to be "Torn", in a way, I could relate to it a bit.

And of course, there was Zayn- as usual. Not only was his voice absolutely mesmerizing, but every time I'd see his face on the screen, I'd feel a bit more guilty.

I knew I had text him, or call him- do something! I couldn't just leave him hanging like that. After staring at my phone for 15 minutes, I finally gathered the courage to pick it up, and dial his number.

After five rings, his answering machine came on,

"Hey, it's Zayn. I'm probably really busy right now, so I'm sorry if I can't pick up. I'll try to call you back asap!"

I sighed, and waited for the beep. Once it sounded, I began shakily, "Hey Zayn... It's me, Sabrina. I'm just calling to apologize for over reacting this morning. I'm sorry." I took a deep, deep breath and added, "I don't think we should see each other again. I really can't do this anymore. I'm sorry." I finished in a whisper, before quickly pressing the end button.

I held the phone in my hands, as tears streamed down my face and the enormity of what I'd just done hit me. No more Zayn. Had I really made the right choice? I sighed, guess it's too late now. I heard my mom call me down for dinner, and dejectedly made my way downstairs.

*. *. *.

Throughout the rest of the evening, Zayn called me every half hour, but I eventually tuned it out, and didn't even notice it anymore. I was painful, but I'd convinced myself it was worth it.

I finally got into bed, and fell asleep to the sound of my phone ringing; yet a again.

*. *. *.

Chapter 1 of 2 that I'm uploading in honor of getting 500 votes!:D

Luff u guys<3

Yours truly,


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