Chapter 2

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Disclaimer, I do not own any of the Percy Jackson characters or books. 


So far, one week and two days had past since I had left Camp Half-blood. 

It was a Monday morning - the second week back at school - and I woke up groggily. I looked at the wall above my bed, where I had hung a picture of Annabeth. I smiled at it before reaching for my phone and texting her: 

Morning. How are you?

I double checked my grammar (something I had learned to do when texting Annabeth) and got up to get changed. I quickly threw on a pair of black jeans and a blue shirt and rushed into the kitchen, 

"Morning mum," I said, 

"Percy, do you know what time it is?" She asked me. I frowned and looked at my watch. I had to refrain from cursing, 

"Holy Hera!"  I yelped. I had three minutes to get to school, "Se you later mum!" I yelled over my shoulder as I rushed out of the door. 


I was starting to get bored. I sat on the bench outside of Goode in the chilli autumn air, waiting for Percy who was never on time.

"Hey Morgan," said Jade and she sat down next to me.

"Hey," I replied. 

Jade was my cousin. We had made friends with Percy last year when he first joined Goode along with Rachel, but then they both left. The only difference is that he came back.  

I sometimes worried that Percy would ditch Jade and I and start hanging out with those jocks but we had been his friend for a year now. We sat there waiting in silence for Percy. It was typical of him to be late.

"Hey guys!" He yelled as he jogged up to the bench where Jade and I were sitting.

"Hey Percy," mumbled Jade as he walked up to us. I rolled my eyes at her. 

As much as I hated to admit it, my cousin was one of those girls who, despite him rejecting all of them, followed Percy around every minute of every day. When I confronted her about it last year, she told me (and I quote), 

"But Morgan, you don't get it! I'm different! I love him," I had just rolled my eyes. 

That's what every girl said. But he always rejected them (even Charlotte Pretsy, who was the hottest girl in school!) We had only been back at school for a week, and Percy had already been ambushed by huge crowds of girls about a bajillion times! 

Last year, when he rejected them, he said that he wasn't into dating, but this year he had some girlfriend? No one believed him, of course. He said that he met her at this summer camp for dyslexic and ADHD kids that he went to every year, but she lived in Cali. 

Please! He just needed a new excuse for the girls. I didn't get why, though. I mean, why would you reject someone as hot as Charlotte Pretsy?

"What's up man?" I asked.

"I'm good, you?" he replied. I nodded, indicating that I was 'also good'. 

We made our way to the office, Jade walking very close to Percy. We collected our schedules from the lady at the desk (we had to get new ones because me and Percy had succeeded in losing ours in the first week) and since there were a few new students transferring next week, we signed up for the guide thing (with a lot of complaining on my part),

"Where are they transferring from?" Percy asked politely. The receptionist only half looked up from her screen,

"Umm.. Long Island, I think," she replied before returning to her phone screen. I looked at Percy. He frowned for a second, his sea green eyes becoming sad, as opposed to their usual bright excited look.

"You okay, man?" I asked. Percy looked up snapping from his trance. He nodded but didn't speak. He continued like this as we walked down the halls. 

As if he wasn't oblivious enough already, Percy didn't even look at any of the girls who were looking at him, batting their eyelashes and twirling their hair round their fingers.

"Okay, stop," I said firmly. Percy looked at me, "What is it with you?" I asked. Percy rubbed his neck. He did that when he was nervous,

"My... my girlfriend is from San Francisco," he said sheepishly, "And we met on Long Island," I rolled my eyes,

"Enough with this girlfriend, okay? We know she's fake. Now come on, let's go to Maths," Percy scowled at this, but he followed anyway, as we made our way to the classroom. 

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