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how did he find my instagram? did he want to talk to me? thoughts were racing around in aurora's  head. drive her crazy she had to talk to someone. she was excited, nervous, confused all at once. she gets off her bed and runs to emma's room
"emma i need to talk to you."  she says bursting into emma's room and flops on her bed. "what kind of drama?" she asks and puts her phone down.
"boy drama" she groans and looks at her
"well what happened?" she asks
"well today at the skatepark i met a boy," aurora brushes a piece of hair behind her ear. 
"yes" emma replied while nodding her head.
"well did u get a name?" she added
"vinnie" she said and her eyes went wide. "what?" aurora asks.
"you know hes like really tiktok famous right?" emma exclaims "like mega famous" she adds.
"well he followed me on instagram and i didnt give it to him so i dont know how he found it." aurora shrugs.
"he followed u on instagram let me see" she says and aurora shows her the notification that popped up on her phone not to long ago. "shut up oh my god thats him" she says as they scroll through his account. emma scrolls back up to the top and follows him back. "emma!" aurora exclaims. "what? u werent gonna follow him back?" she asks.
"maybe i was still thinking about it" she lied of course she was going to follow him back. "well keep me updated with your little boy toy." she says and aurora giggles and leaves her room.

she flops back on her bed and scrolls through his instagram admiring his features. he was absolutely beautiful.

vinniehacker on instagram

liked by noahbeck, kiocyr, and 1,002,890 others

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liked by noahbeck, kiocyr, and 1,002,890 others

vinniehacker brick wall content
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kiocyr cutie 😌
noahbeck first 😫

   due to instinct of being a nice person, she double taps the photo and of course its from a week ago. she smacks her palm to her forehead.


    fuck. she looks at her screen

from instagram
[vinniehacker]: hey stalker

ah shit.


hey stalker

you followed me first mister 😡

okay fair enough

    she stared at the screen, she didn't reply, which made her feel horrible. she tried to brush it off by going to see what emma was doing. she makes her way down the stairs and enters the kitchen. emma was making dinner for them. "guess who dmed me"  aurora said grabbing a glass from the cabinet. "mr.hacker?" she said and giggled.

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