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aurora wrapped the last strand of hair that wasn't curled around the wand. she waited ten seconds, she realized the curl and let it drop down. she unplugged the curling wand and brushed her finger through her hair. she pulled the string of her bathrobe tighter and made her way to her room. she pulled out a black slip dress with a lace hem and neckline. she laid it on her bed, and pulled out a white button-up just in case the night made her cold. she pulled out socks with lace trim and her doc marten mary janes. she slipped on her shoe and strapped the buckles.

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vinnie 👺

are you almost ready?

aurora 🧚🏻‍♀️

puttin' my shoes on right now.

vinnie 👺

okay im on my way

she set her phone down and went over to the mirror. she straightens out her dress and put her hair up into a claw clip. she grabbed her purse and phone. she took one more good look at herself before the doorbell rang. she made her way to the front door and unlocked the deadbolt. she swung it open to reveal vinnie.

"hi" he says.

"hi," she smiled and fixed the bag on her shoulder.

"are you ready?" he asks.

"yes," she replied.

he steps back motioning the girl to come outside. he closes the door behind her and she locked it. they made their way downstairs and aurora slid into the passenger seat of vinnie's car.

they drove down the coast and arrive at the beach. he gets out and opens the door for the girl.

"okay this is where we blindfold you," he says and grabs the girl's hand helping her out.

"okay," she said and he puts the cloth in front of her eyes. she felt his arm linked with his and he starts leading the girl to her surprise. she felt the squishy sand below her feet as he turns her around. she felt him start to untie the blindfold and a beautiful beach house is revealed.

"surprise!" he says. "we are going to be staying here for the weekend," he adds.

"i didn't pack any stuff," the girl said confused

"do you worry i had some help he says, you want to go check it out?" he says with a smirk and holds out his hand.

"of course i do it's beautiful," she says

she followed him up the wooden steps and into the back door of the house. the dinner table is set and there are two people, which she assumed to be chefs in the kitchen preparing dinner.

"good evening miss" one of them greets aurora. she gives a soft smile.

"if you could care to sit down, so we can get you started on your dinner" he adds.

vinnie walks over and pulls a chair out for the girl. she takes a seat and a waitress starts pouring water into the glass in front of her. vinnie sits across for her, aurora starts looking at the menu for tonight.

"you did all this for me?" she questions

"aurora, of course, this is for you. you deserve this" he looks me in the eye.

the chef comes out and brings out our first course.

"thank you," aurora says and the chef knods at her.

"why such a fancy dinner?" she asks

"well, i wanted to make it up to you for me being such a jerk. i also just wanted it to be just you and me so we could spend quality time together with no interruptions," he says.


after the beautiful dinner vinnie and aurora got the bags out of the car and got settled in. she finished putting this away and decided to head downstairs. she went onto the balcony that overlooked the ocean. she slides the glass door open and pulls the curtains back. aurora had always loved the ocean. she grew up in new york, so not much water, but when her family went down the shore for vacations, she always looked forward to it. she admired the way the moon shined on the ocean and the waves crashing on the beach. she sighed it was getting late, and she didn't know what vinnie had planned for tomorrow. she heard the glass door slide open behind her, she felt warm hands snake around her waist and him pulling her in. he softly kissed her neck and turned her around.

"we need to talk" he starts.

"about?" she asked trying not to seem nervous, but he could tell. she crossed her arms and leaned against the balcony railing.

"i think it's time i give you this back" he pulls out the butterfly ring he gave to her the night of their skatepark picnic.

he takes her right hand and slips it on her finger.

"where's yours," she asked and he holds out his hand

"never took it off since the day i got it" he says.

"oh vinnie" she says softly and rests his hand on his cheek. he placed a hand over the top of her hand and snaked his other arm around the girl waist and pulled her closer. he looks into the girl's eyes and leans in. she closed her eyes and felt his chapped lips touch hers. she pulled away and rested her forehead on his.

"we should go to bed," he says and the she smiled softly



thank you for being patient with me took me a minute to think of a concept. i really appreciate everyone who reads this book. MWAH!


the writer.


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