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"vinnie what the fuck!" she screamed.

the snapped his head in the girl's direction. emma pressed her lips together, and giggled. aurora walked up to emma, looked emma up and down. "you knew exactly what you were doing, did you?" she looked at emma.

"be careful who you screw" emma said looking over at vinnie. aurora's immediately smacked emma across the face. she heard people gasp, colby pulled the girl back.

"vinnie" aurora looks over at him

he looked down, he stumbled over to the girl and out his hands on her cheek. he pulled her close, she could smell the liquor on his breathe.
"this, is what you get" he hiccuped.

"for what?" she asked softly

"kissing other guys" he whispered on her lips, he pushed the girl away. she stumbled back falling into colby's arms.

"you childish piece of shit," aurora scoffs

"i stopped kissing colby at that party for, you" she points.

"i don't care" he says

"vinnie, please, we weren't even together then, we are now, i should be the one more hurt right now" she says

"he is just my friend" she pleas

"try telling him that" he says and points

aurora smack vinnie's finger away

"he knows that" she says and colby nods

"thats what we talked about when i went to see him" she said

"now can you stop acting like a child, and can we get you home?" aurora says

"and you," she turns to emma

"please go rot in hell" she says and grabs vinnie's arm.

emma scoffed and started talking to the next victim of the night. colby followed behind the two. he got the keys from sam, they made it to where the car was parked and got in.

"why did you do that" aurora breathed

"she came on to me" he says

"the problem is, you let her," she said

"this is totally different now, before we weren't together, and now we are vinnie, you need to stop acting like-like" she said

"like what?" he spat

"a fucking child" she said

"i love you, vinnie, do you love me?" she asks

"yes i do, i love you, i just wanted you to feel the way i felt" he says

"it not fair vinnie, okay?" she says and looks out the window.

"im sorry" he mutters

"oh are you really?"  she said

colby parked in front of the hype house and helped aurora take vinnie inside. they laid him on his bed and took off his shoes. "im going to talk to him" aurora says and colby left the room.

"get some rest, please" she said sitting on the edge of vinnie's bed

"yes, mom" he jokes

"theres a glass of water, some tylenol, and a bucket here for the morning okay?" she places a kiss on his forehead

she felt a tear fall from his cheek, "im sorry aurora" he looks into her eyes

"please don't leave me" he said

"i meant nothing i promise, please" he sniffled

"vinnie, i know, shhh" she said playing with his hair.

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