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it's been a week since the girl hasn't talked to the boy since the incident at the beach house. she sits in her room always looking out the window. thinking about him and what made him so angry. she remembers all the good times with him, she smiles to herself. she picks herself up out of her bed. dragging herself to the kitchen to make a coffee.

she sees the dead flowers in the mason jar that the boy got her. she frowns and turns back to the coffee maker and watches the hot substance pour down into the cup. she opens her fridge and grabs the almond milk. she pours it into the coffee. she puts the milk away and shuts the fridge. she grabs her coffee off the counter and makes her way back to her room.

she pulls up a chair to her bedroom window and watches the sunset and sips her coffee. she thinks about the boy and how they met at that little skatepark a couple of years ago. she turns her chair around sees the dusty skateboard that sits in the corner of her room.

she sits her coffee on the window sill and gets up out of her chair. she picks up the board and brushes the dust off.  she sighs and grabs her car keys off her dresser. with the board under her arm she makes her way down to the parking garage where her car is waiting for her. she gets in and starts her drive. the only thing that keeps occurring in her mind is the boy and is he okay?

the boy has been trying to seem fine deep down he is crushed. he checks his phone constantly waiting for the girl to text him. he just wants a 'hi' or an 'im okay'. she wants him to feel how he felt when she went away for those couple of months. he sets his head set down on his desk and leans back in his chair. he decides to get out of the house. he needed to clear his mind. he opens the door to the garage and grabs his skateboard. he grabs his keys from the hook. he gets in his car and puts the board in a passengers seat. he drives passed the restaurant where they had their first date together. he smiles to himself remembering the moment. he parks his car and grabs the board  from the passenger's seat.

he starts to walk over to his favorite part of the skatepark where he met her. that was her favorite part too. she was sitting there feet dangling, cheeks rosy red.  she stares at the bottom of the drop thinking about he came down and helped her when she fell. the boy walks up to the girl. "hey" he says. the girl turns her head "hi" she wipes the tears from her face and tried to replace it with a smile. "i forgot how to skate" she says while avoiding eye contact. he sits down next to her. "i missed you" she says. "i missed you" the boy replies.

she turns to look at him. he looks back at her. is she going to say something he thinks. she cant conjure up the words she wants to say to him. they sit in comforting silence. he decides to pull her closer to him he could tell she was cold. he wraps his arm around her. she makes herself comfortable and lays her head on his shoulder. "im sorry" she breathes. "its okay" he reassures her.

they sat there for 2 hours trying to makeup for that week they lost together. they missed each others presence, each other's warmth. listening to each others heartbeats in the silence. the girl yawned and rubs her eyes. "vinnie" she whispers. "yes" he says softly. "i ready to go home" she says. she lifts herself up from the cold pavement and the boy does the same. the boy walks the gurl to her car to make sure she is safe.

"call me tomorrow" he says as he opens the car door for her. she gets in and puts her hands on the steering wheel. "yes" she said as he closes the door. she starts the car, puts it in drive, then rolls down her window. "i love you, goodbye vinnie." she smiles softly and pulls out of the skatepark parking lot. he watches the car drive away with a warm feeling in his chest.

kinda wanted to try third person writing 😭

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