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aurora smiled lightly at what they boy had just said. "i'm assuming you broke it off with her" she says. aurora was nervous to start their relationship back up so fast. she wanted to get closer to him. "well yeah" vinnie says.

she nods and sits next to the boy in the living room. she starts going on her phone and scrolling through tiktok. "so what you wanna do" he asks. she looked out the window and saw the tike of day. the sun was setting and she just wanted to stay home. "you want to have a sleepover?" she asked.

"no" he said bluntly

"oh okay" she questioned his response

vinnie was a little mad at her that she didn't make a move on him when he said he broken it off with nailea. aurora picked up her phone and went back on tiktok. she was embarrassed by vinnie's response. this made the room fill with tension and awkwardness.

the two had nothing to talk about. "how about we go to the skatepark" vinnie asked.

"i haven't been there in what feels like ages" aurora said, but still she didnt want to leave her home. she wanted to read her book and drink her tea in front of the window in her room.

     "but i think i just want to stay home tonight" she said

"well then, i guess i'll just see you tomorrow" vinnie said standing up from the couch. he was furious, he wanted to hang out with the girl. he was so confused on what she wanted. he couldn't read the signs like he used to. he slammed the girl's apartment door, not looking back.

aurora cringed at the sound brunging back memories for the beginning of their relationship. she grabbed a cup from the cabinet and filled it with some water to start making some tea. she really didn't mean to piss him off. she onew she would have to talk about it with him later.

the reason it also pissed vinnie off so much is, the skatepark is where their love started to flourish. he sighed getting in his car and starting the engine. he drove through downtown LA admiring all the lights that lit up the city at night.

aurora pulled her cup from the microwave and stuck the tea bag in the hot water. she took the cup with her to her room. she sat on her chair in the corner of her room and looked out the window. she steeped the tea bag and watched LA light up.

she sipped her tea and enjoy the view u tik it became so dark all she saw were scattered lights in the distance. she got up and sat her coffee on the nightstand. she opened up her computer and turned on her favorite movie, pride and prejudice

she bundled up in her blankets on her queen bed. she loved this movie the vibe, she wish people still had balls, she wanted to dress up and have her hair done by on of her sisters. she didn't have any siblings that she knew of, but a girl could dream.

after the first hour of the movie she could feel her eyes getting heavy, she didn't want to miss a moment of movie. she paused it and shut her laptop. she closed her eyes and drifted off the sleep.
bryce has invited vinnie and a couple other people over, this us what vinnie wanted, to get waisted and forget what happened at aurora's. he took nailea with him so she could drive him home. he didnt tell aurora that they agreed to be friends, but he knew she wouldn't question it.

vinnie walked into the mansion and went to the kitchen where everyone was gathered. "hey vinnie" bryce pulls him in for a bro hug, vinnie pats his back and pulls away. "nothing much," he says.

they were all gather around the kitchen island, bryce, blake, josh, nessa, nailea, and jaden. they al started off the might with one shot. bryce pour everyone one and they downed it before they could even take it together. the liquor felt good going down vinnie's throat. he hummed at the sensation.

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