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aurora woke up in an unfamiliar place, the room was dark but the sun was peeking through the window. she sat up and grabbed her phone from the nightstand. a few messages from james, the groupchat, and instagram. she scrolls through her feed, tossing and turning to make herself comfortable in the bed.

suddenly vinnie bursts into the room. "good morning sleepy head!" he exclaimed. he was just wearing joggers. his tattoos were exposed, she could tell he had gotten more since the last time she saw him. nailea comes in behind him.

    "uhm what is she doing here?" she asked.
he clearly hasn't broken things off with her yet. aurora shook her head, suddenly the urge to throw up hit her like a bus. she found the nearest trash can and spewed into the black can.

"i took her here after the party, promise nothing happened, sweetie" aurora heard vinnie say, calm nai.

aurora wiled the corners of her mouth with the sleeve of the sweatshirt she didn't know she was wearing. she also noticed she was in her panties. vinnie helps her up and lays her back on the bed. he grabs a glass of water off his night stand and pours two tylenols into his hand.

"here" he says, and the girl takes it.

"i think i should get home" she says while ooening the uber app on her phone,

    "yeah you should" nailea says.

aurora gave her a cold glare. she coukd sense she was still mad about the drink incident, "you cant go yet aurora" he says.
"why?" the girls say in unison.

     "i made breakfast and i want you guys to meet" he says.
"we already met" nailea says.
"oh yeah whats her name" he says and looks to aurora.
"u-uh-" she starts and aurora cuts her off "it's aurora" she says coldly.

"can we go get some of that food im starving" aurora says, vinnie nods and helps her up. the room started to spin for the girl, but vinnie kept his arm around her so she wouldn't fall.

they make it to the kitchen and vinnie helos her take a seat. aurora looks alrund the room, she instantly knew where she was, the hype house. vinnie sits a plate in front of her. nailea walks in and she sits to.

"anything for me vin?" she asks.

"no because i didnt know you were coming over" he says and she scoffs.

while they are trying to eat, in walks michael "good morning aurora what r u doing here?" he says.

"hey not even a good morning for me first?" vinnie asks.

"oh hey vin" he says.

"she spent the night last night after the party" vinnie answers for her.

aurora messed up the food a little to make it look like she touched it. the food was making her more sick, it was good, but not for the hang out. "i have to go, thank you so much for the food vin" aurora says while trying to pick herself up.

"let me walk you to the door" vinnie says.

she made her way to the front door while vinnie follows. he opens the front door for her. she stepped out and turn around to face him. "ill talk to you later ?" he asks.

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