I Belong To You

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Trigger Warning: This chapter mentions signs of rape and abuse.

It has been about a week since Bakugo kissed you. Things went back to normal... for the most part. Izuku has been planning something, but he has been refusing to tell you. Hopefully, he's okay.

You care for him a lot. It's funny how he was supposed to only be your target. You honestly never expected to fall in love. Life is strange like that.

Izuku didn't go to school today. You walked to school alone. You see Bakugo walking and you look a bit worried. You look down pretending you didn't notice him. He noticed you though.

"Y/N I need to speak with you." he walks closer to you. "I-I don't want to talk right now..." you keep looking down. "Hey wait a minute!" he grabs your arm with a tight grip. "H-hey! You're hurting me!" you try to pull your arm away. "Shhh. I just want to talk to you." he pulls you close and holds onto you tightly.

He quickly pulls you to the side of the building where no one could see you two. He slams you again the wall and uses one hand to pin your hands above your head.

"Please... let me go..." you keep struggling to getaway. "Do you really love him?" he asks as he starts to kiss your neck. "H-hey! Stop!" tears form in your eyes. "Make. Me." he bites down on your neck and he uses his free hand to start moving to your inner thigh.

Bakugo slips his hand into your underwear. He touches your private area. You begin to panic as you desperately try to get free.

"That's it Y/N.. let me give you pleasure.." Bakugo wears a wicked grin as he hears you moan softly.

You slam your knee upwards slamming it into his balls. He screams out in pain as he let's go of you and falls to the ground holding his lower area. Activating your quirk, you lightly touch his neck,and he passes out.

'Fuck it... I don't want to go to school today...' you think to yourself. You get to the Leauge of Villains headquarters and you walk inside. You walk into your bedroom and slam the door shut. You lay down in the bed and curl up. You hear the door open and you tense up.

"Y/N?" Izuku asks as he stands near the door. "I want to be alone..." you say. "What happened?" he walks closer. "I don't want to talk about it..." you sit up and look at him. "Love, what's wrong?" he lightly touches your back.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" you scream out as you start to cry. "I-I'm sorry..." he jumped back and looked at you. "N-no... I'm sorry..." you keep crying and you hug him tightly. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asks. "Yes..." you hold him tightly.

You finally stopped crying after about 10 minutes. Once you calmed down, you explained everything that Bakugo did. Izuku looked PISSED. He got up, kissed your forehead, then walked to the door.

"Get some rest Y/N," he says. "What are you going to do?" you ask him. "I'm going to handle things with Kacchan..." his voice sounds dark and cruel. "Please be careful..." you speak softly. "I will." he leaves the room and closes the door.

You lay back down and pull a blanket over yourself. 'Don't do anything stupid Izuku...' you think to yourself. You curl up again. After a bit, you drift off into a deep sleep.

You wake up after a while. You feel something warm holding you. You realize that Izuku is holding you close. He has fallen asleep.

You didn't want to move because you were scared that you would wake him up. You smile a bit. This felt nice, felt relaxing. You feel his body shift and he sits up. He's awake now and he yawns.

"Did I bother you?" he asks kindly. "No, not one bit." you sit up and smile. "Good, I was scared I did." he smiles as well. "How long was I asleep?" you ask. "About 3 hours," he says.

"3 hours?!" you yell a bit. "Yes, 3 hours," he says. "Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" you ask. "I just got back here about 45 minutes ago," he says.

"Where did you go?" you ask. "I told you that I was going to handle things with Kacchan..." his voice sounds dark and cruel again. "Izuku... what did you do..." you ask concerned. "That doesn't matter, all that matters is that he can never touch what belongs to me ever again..." he smirks. "Izuk-" you were about to say something but Izuku cut you off by kissing you.

He kissed you passionately. He pulls you onto his lap and he continues to kiss you. He finally breaks the kiss and he looks into your eyes. You look into his eyes and see the lust in them.

"You belong to me, and ONLY me." he holds you close. "I-I..." you were too embarrassed to say anything. "All you have to do is say it love." he kisses you again. "Izuku..." you blush softly and slightly smile.

He bites down onto your neck. Not too hard but hard enough to hurt you enough to leave a mark. He looks at the mark he just made. He smirks again.

"See? I have claimed what's mine." he laughs to himself. "Izuku!" your whole face turns a bright red. "Aww calm down." he laughs a bit. "You're teasing me!" you yell out. "All you have to do is say it." he grabs your chin and makes you look at him.

"I belong to you... and only you... say it..."

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