I'm Sorry Izuku...

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The next morning you awoke to the sound of your alarm clock. You turn it off and groan in frustration. You stand up and begin to prepare for the day. You hear a knock on your door. 

"Hold on a second." you say as you finish getting dressed.

You walk over to the door and open it. Kurogiri is standing there.

"Good morning Y/N." he says seeming to be in a good mood. "Good morning Kurogiri." you say with a smile on your face. 

"Are you getting ready for school?" he asks kindly. "Yes I am." you grab your book bag. "Shigaraki wants to talk to you before you leave." his voice changes to a dark tone. 

You know that when Kurogiri changes his tone of voice... Shigaraki is pissed. You gulp and look a bit scared.

"A-alright... tell him I'll be there soon..." your voice is a bit shaky. "I will." he shuts the door and leaves. 

You grab your hairbrush and begin to fix your hair. 'What could I have done this time?' you thought to yourself. You try not to get on his bad side often but sometimes you do. 

He has never hurt you, but at the same time you know he wants to when he's mad at you. You put down your hair brush and go towards the door.

You open the door and walk out then you walk into the bar area where Shigaraki is. He looks at you and he does not look happy. 

"Y/N... it's been two days and you still haven't captured Izuku Midoriya!" he yells. "I-I'm sorry sir..." you look down. 

He sighs and stands up then walks over to you. "Y/N don't look so upset, you are the happiest villain I have ever seen." he barely smiles. You look up at him and smile.

"I just wanted to gain some information on him first." you say as your smile disappears. He thinks for a second. "Smart girl, gain all the information you can." he gives you a look of approval. 

"Now hurry before your late." he looks at the door. You nod and run out the door.

On your way to school, you see Izuku. You run over to him and he looks at you. 

"Good morning Y/N." he smiles. "Good morning Iz- I mean Deku." you stumble with your words. 

He laughs a little and you feel embarrassed. You two walk together. When you arrive to school, you two walk into class and sit close to each other.

You soon see Bakugo enter the classroom. He walks over to you and Izuku. 

"I see your just fine from yesterday, shocking for a damn weakling like you." he says with a smirk. He then looks at you expecting you to stay silent, he was wrong. 

You stand up and grab him by the collar of his shirt. "I think you need to leave him the FUCK alone!" your beyond pissed at this moment. 

Bakugo is wide eyed and isn't quite sure what to say. You let go of his collar and sit back down then smile at Izuku. Izuku looks shocked and is speechless. Bakugo just stands there for a moment then he walks away. 

"I didn't know you had that in you Y/N." Izuku finally speaks. "Well in this world you get so much shit from people, so now its time to give some shit back." you say confidently. 

He just laughs a bit and smiles.

**time skip to when the school day is over**

You are about to leave when Izuku stops you. 

"How about we go to the park?" he is blushing and looking down at the ground. "Sounds fun." you smile softly. 

You two leave the school campus and start walking towards the park. At that moment you hear your phone start to ring. You grab it from your pocket and see it's Shigaraki. 

"Um... wait here... I'll be right back..." you look at Izuku. "Alright." he smiles but also looks concerned. 

You walk away from him to make sure he can't hear what your saying then you answer the phone. 

"Hello?" you sound a bit frustrated. "Where are you at Y/N! You were suppose to be home already!" he screams. 

"I am going to the park for a bit." you look at the ground. "Well a little birdie told me you were with Izuku, am I correct?" he slightly smirks. 

"H-how did you know..." you voice gets a bit shaky. "Bring him to us by 7pm or you will be in a lot of trouble..." his voice darkens. "Y-yes sir..." tears form in your eyes as you hang up. 

You walk back over to Izuku and wipe your tears away. 

"Is everything okay Y/N?" he questions. You simply just nod. 

"Hey do you wanna come to my place for a bit?" you put on a fake smile. "S-sure!" he begins to blush again and he sounds a bit excited. "Alright then let's go." you continue to wear that fake smile. 

You feel terrible because you know your leading him straight into a trap. Then again, there was nothing you could do. Shigaraki pulled you from a dark place, and now it's time to repay him for what he did. Even if it meant hurting Izuku. 

Eventually you two arrive at the League of Villains and you look at Izuku. He doesn't know there are villains inside... no one does. You open the door then walk inside. You wave for him to come in. 

He walks in and looks around. It's only you two in the room. You shut the door then look at Izuku. 

"This is where you live?" he is still smiling. "Yea... home sweet home..." you laugh nervously. "Well it's interesting!" he continues looking around. 

"Izuku... I'm so sorry..." you whisper as tears form in your eyes. 

You then hug him from behind and hold him close. He whole face turns a bright red and he isn't sure what to do. At that moment he begins to get sleepy and he starts to lose balance. He falls to the ground and you let him go. 

"I really didn't want to use my quirk on you... guess I had no choice..." you feel tears roll down your face. 

( Quirk: You can force anyone to fall asleep will with just a simple touch. )

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