He... Stood Up For Me?

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The next day you arrived at school. You see Izuku and run over to him.

"Good morning Iz- I mean Deku." you almost forget he told you to call him Deku.

"Good morning Y/N!" he smiles cheerfully.

He always seems very happy and it confuses you. How can someone always be so positive? You just don't get it. 

You both walk into the classroom and you sit down. He sits down beside of you and you look at him. You see Bakugo walk in and he looks pissed off. He looks at you and walks over to you.

"Your in my seat shrimp." his voice is deep and terrifying.

You just look at him not wanting to move.

"K-K-Kacchan... leave her a-alone... she was here first..." you can hear how scared Izuku is. 

"What was that Deku?!" Bakugo holds his fist up with flames coming from his hand.

Izuku has tears in his eyes and he looks scared to death, but he stands up and says, "You heard me!"

Right after he finishes his sentence, Bakugo punches him hard across the face. Izuku is sent flying to the back of the classroom and has a huge burn mark across his face.

"Deku!" you yell as you run over to him.

"I-I'm fine..." he slowly stands up.

"We need to take you to Recovery Girl!" you grab his arm and lead him out of the classroom. 

He willing allows you to pull him through the hallway. Once you reach Recovery Girl's office you explain what happened.

She gives Izuku a big kiss on his face and the burn marks disappear, for the most part. You can still see a slight scar from what happened.

"You two can stay in here if you want to." Recovery Girl says in a kind tone.

"I have a meeting anyways." she leaves the room. You look at Izuku and you feel yourself slightly blushing. 

"A-are you okay Iz-, I mean Deku?" you look worried

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"A-are you okay Iz-, I mean Deku?" you look worried.

"Yea, I'm fine." he just smiles at you.

You feel yourself blush even more.

"A-anyways... I want to know more about you!" you blurt out.

"What would you like to know?" he asks.

"Um, just stuff about you." you say.

"Alright let me think." he begins to think about what he wants to tell you. 

"Well for starters, my birthday is on July 15th, I'm 5'5, and I was quirkless for the longest time." he tells you.

"How did you get a quirk?" you ask curiously.

"I-it's hard to explain!" he looks nervous.

"Okay sorry for asking." you are determined to find out how he got his quirk.

It would probably be useful to know. Especially since your suppose to gain information on him. That didn't really matter right now. 

You were just wondering why this boy stood up for you.

"Deku... why did you stand up for me?" you start to fiddle with your hands.

"That's also hard to explain." he slightly blushes.

"You should probably get some rest." you stand up to leave.

He gently grabs your hand.

"Wait don't go!" he basically is begging you to stay.

"A-alright." you sit back down. 

After a while you two start to talk and joke around. You didn't even realize how late it was getting.

Recovery Girl soon comes back and she sees you are still there right by Izuku's side.

"It's about time for you two to be heading home." she says.

You stand up and so does Izuku. You both walk out of Recovery Girl's office.

"How about you let me walk you home today?" he asks with a smile on his face. 

"Alright." you really didn't want to say yes but you couldn't say no to him, especially after what happened.

You both leave the school building and you start to walks to the League of Villain. About half way there you stop.

"Hey Deku, I can walk the rest of the way myself." you say.

"Are you sure?" he questions.

"Yea, I'll be fine" you smile.

"Alright well I'll see you tomorrow." he watches as you leave. 

You soon arrive at the League of Villain headquarters. Shigaraki is sitting on the bar and waiting for you.

"Hello Y/N." he sounds a bit upset.

"Hello sir." you speak in a confident tone, knowing he would never hurt you.

"Why did it take you so long to get home?" he questions.

"I was spying on the enemy sir." you say.

"That's exceptionable." he stands up and leaves the room. 

You sigh in relief. You were scared that he would have seen right through your lie. Kurogiri looks at you.

"You were not really spying on the enemy were you?" he asks.

You jump up and look at him.

"I-I..." you couldn't even think of a lie to make up.

"It's fine, I won't tell." he smiles at you. 

"Thank you so much!" you say as you hug him tightly.

"Love is a beautiful thing isn't it?" he chuckles.

Your face turn a bright shade of red and you run up to your room.

"Yes, it is." you smile to yourself.

You lay down and pull the blankets over yourself. You still feel yourself blushing as you think about Izuku. Tears form in your eyes as you think about what he did for you earlier in the day. 

No one has ever stood up for you like that. You pull out the picture of Izuku that Shigaraki gave to you.

You gently kiss the picture and lay it next to your pillow.

"Thank you Deku..." you close your eyes and drift off into a deep sleep. 

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