Making Friends

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"Hey, it's Deku!" Uraraka looks at you with a smile on her face.

"Deku?" you ask wondering if Shigaraki was looking for someone else.

"Well that's not his real name, but you need to meet him!" she grabs your hand and leads you over to Izuku.

You allow her to lead you to him. You continue to wonder if this green haired nerdy boy is your target.

"Just so you know, my real name is Izuku Midoriya, but you can call me Deku." he smiles at you. 

'Izuku... Midoriya...' the name is burned into your mind.

This is the boy Shigaraki wants you to kidnap. 

All you can think to yourself is that you have to earn this boy's trust. It should be fairly easy. You laugh to yourself as you think about how weak this boy looks.

"Is something funny?" Uraraka looks at you confused.

"No, no, I was just thinking about something is all." you say reassuringly.

The bell then rings and students rush into the school. You go to walk in but a spiky blonde haired boy shoves you down and you fall over. The blonde haired boy looks at you. 

"Stay the hell out of my way or I'll burn you to a crisp." he has an evil smirk on his face.

Your to scared to get up at the moment so you just stay laying on the ground.

"Kacchan you need to be nicer!" Izuku screams at the blonde haired boy.

You look confused. 'Kacchan?' you ask yourself.

"Leave me alone you damn nerd!" the blonde haired boy screams at Izuku. 

"His real name is Katsuki Bakugo." Uraraka holds her hand put to help you up.

You grab her hand and she pulls you up.

'He's a complete asshole...' you think to yourself.  Izuku walks over to you.

"Are you okay?" he looks a bit worried.

"I'll be just fine." you say with a smile.

"I know Kacchan can be mean but please don't let him walk all over to like that." he still looks a bit worried. 

"We're going to be late!" Uraraka exclaims and grabs your hand then runs inside.

You allow her to drag you along and you see Izuku not to far behind you. Uraraka lets go of your hand when she gets to the classroom door.

"Welcome to class 1-A!" she opens the door. You stand behind Uraraka and Izuku.

A boy with glasses runs over to you, Uraraka, and Izuku.

"You guys were almost late!" he is almost yelling. 

"We know and we are very sorry." Uraraka and Izuku speak at the same time.

"We were just trying to help the new girl." Uraraka says as she grabs a hold of your arm.

"A new student and I wasn't there to meet her this morning?!" the boy with glasses says.

"What kind of class president am I?!" he is basically yelling now.

"Calm down Iida, it's fine." Izuku tries to help him calm down.

"My name is Iida Tenya and I am the president of class 1-A!" he throws his hand out for you to shake. You laugh a bit and shake his hand. 

"My name is F/N L/N and it is very nice to meet you." you smile.

"Now I don't mean to be rude but everyone needs to take their seats before Mr.Aizawa arrives." Iida exclaims.

You walk towards the back of the class and take a seat. Uraraka follows you and sits down right beside you. You look at her.

"I normally don't sit in the back but I don't want you to be lonely." she gives a heart warming smile.

'She's... so nice...' you think to yourself. 

Aizawa walks into the classroom and is carrying a yellow sleeping bag with him. You look at him and wonder why he has a sleeping bag with him. You notice that he also looks very tired.

'He needs some coffee.' you laugh to yourself.

"Alright let's get this day done and over with." Aizawa says tiredly.

He gets into his sleeping bag and sits down at his desk.

"You guys just do study group or something, just stay quiet so I can take a nap." he yawns. 

**A few hours later**

You look at the clock and it is already time to leave. You hear the bell ring and you stand up.

"We should meet up tomorrow at the same spot!" Uraraka says cheerfully.

"Alright, then it's a plan." you smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow then!" she runs out of the classroom while waving goodbye.

You keep smiling and think about how happy you are to have your first friend. You grab your book bag and see Izuku walking over to you. 

He appears to be slightly blushing and he is fiddling with his hands.

"H-hey... do you want me to walk you home?" he looks down at his feet.

You feel your cheeks heat up a bit. You were about to say sure until you remembered that you lived at the hideout for the League of Villains. Not to mention, how mad Shigaraki would be.

"It's fine Izuku, I can walk home myself." you tell him.

"Deku, you can call me Deku." he smiles.

You smile as well and start to leave the classroom. He follows you and you both leave the school building. You both leave the school property and start walking in different directions.

You still feel yourself blushing as you think about him. You pull put that picture of him that Shigaraki gave you.

"I... think I'm in love..." you mumble to yourself. 

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