Like Nothing Has Changed

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He's going to join? Just like that? All because you are a villain? You don't understand why... but it makes you happy. 

"Y/N, would you allow me to join you?" Izuku is smiling. "You would really would just throw away everything you have worked for?!" you scream with tears in your eyes. "Well for you... I would..." he looks down and continues to smile. 

Your shocked at his answer. You untie Izuku and he turns to look at you. He pulls you into a warm and embracing hug. As he holds you, tears begin to fall from your cheeks. He holds you close and never breaks his smile. He wants to cry as well, but he's staying strong for you. 

After a minute you finally calm down. Izuku wipes away your tears and looks into your eyes. You feel yourself getting closer and closer. He moves in closer as well. With your lips only inches away when you hear the door open and you two jerk away from each other quickly. 

"Did I ruin something?" Toga is standing at the door with a smirk on her face. "W-what do you want?!" your blushing. "Shigaraki needs to speak with you two." Toga's smirk fades into a frown. "Alright... we will be there in a moment..." you look at Izuku. "I'll let him know." she leaves the room shutting the door.

Izuku is still smiling and he kisses your forehead. You feel your face heat up. He laughs a bit and grabs your hand. You two then leave the room and walk over to Shigaraki. 

"So I see you have gotten him to join our team?" Shigaraki questions. "Yes sir." you nod. "Now I know you two work for the villains but I want the both of you to act like nothing has happened til we come up with a plan." Shigaraki goes on. "We will soon attack UA with you two leading the whole operation." Dabi speaks up. "I will do my best sir." Izuku says as he continues to hold your hand. 

***time skip to the next day***

You and Izuku walk to school. He has a smile on his face. He always seem to be smiling. As if he has something to look forward to in life. Well at least he did before becoming a villain. 

"What are you think about Y/N?" he questions you. "U-um... nothing..." you hesitate with your response. "Are you sure? You look like you have something on your mind?" he sounds concerned. "I promise I'm okay Izuku." you smile a bit. "Remember, I told you to call me Deku." he laughs a bit. 

You laugh as well and smile a bit more. There is something about this boy. He makes you feel so special and happy. No, that's not the word. The word your looking for is "love." Its a warm and gentle feeling, just like how Izuku is. 

You two walk into the UA building together. You both walk into the classroom and sit close to each other. Uraraka walks into the room with Asui. They are laughing and cutting up a bit. 

"Good morning Deku!" Uraraka smiles brightly. "Good morning Uraraka." he waves at her. "Oh good morning Y/N!" she looks at you. "Good morning Uraraka." you smile a bit. "Everyone take your seats." Aizawa walks into the room. 

***time skip to at the end of the day***

You and Izuku walk out of the UA together. He grabs your hand lightly. He holds your hand as you two walk. You feel your face heat up again and he smiles at you. 

Shortly you two arrive at the League of Villain headquarters. You two walk in together, him still holding your hand. You see Kurogiri standing near the bar. Dabi is next to him. 

"Izuku would you come with us?" Kurogiri questions. "Of course." Izuku pats you on the head and walks over to them. "Where are you taking him?" you question. "Just to get a new look." Dabi slightly smirks. "He will be okay." Toga walks over to you. 

You nod as you watch Kurogiri, Dabi, and Izuku go into another room. "So what's going on with you two?" Toga smirks. "N-nothing!" you blurt out. "Don't lie to me Y/N." she pouts a bit. "W-well... nothing is really going on... but..." you start to blush. 

"You want to date him, don't you? " Toga smirks again. "How did you know?!" you grab her arm. "It's obvious Y/N." she laugh a bit. "Is it really...?" you let go of her arm. "Um yea." she snickers.

Could she really blame you though? This is the first person to show you what real love is. He was even willing to throw away everything just to be with you. Now you don't know a lot about love but that is love in it's purest form. It brings a smile to your face just thinking about it. 

You and Toga carry on talking. After about ten minutes you see Dabi and Kurogiri come back. Shortly after Izuku walks out of the room. "How do I look...?" he has a slight smirk on his face. 


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