3.••𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙚𝙛••

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(M/N) = Mom's name

You got ready and put on your clothes, your shoes, and grabbed your skateboard and headed out.

(Y/N): "Bye mom! I'm going to head somewhere with someone."

(M/N): "Bye have fun! Oh? Wait, you made a new friend already!?

(Y/N): I wouldn't call him a friend.

(M/N): Him?

(If you're gay, bi, pan, etc. your mom knows that you're apart of the lgbtq+, except...she didn't really tell you she knew, it would've been awkward.)

You visited this place a couple of times before. Your friend introduced you to "S" when she found out that you skated. You arrived and luckily, you were on time. Miya was already waiting for you.

You and Miya acted like you've never met, this time, they acted like rivals. They knew they couldn't show any sympathy to each other during a beef so they put on their serious face and went to the starting line.

Crowd: "Who do you think will win?"

"Miya of course!" "Even though (Y/N) may have won all of their races, but this time, they're up a Japanese hopeful, no way they will win."

The crowd chanted. You looked to the ground without moving your head. Seems like you were brainstorming ways to defeat Miya. That's when your eyes lit up. Miya noticed.

Miya: "What?"

(Y/N): "Nothing, let's go."

You took a deep breath and got in your ready position.






You and Miya took off, so fast that it left a big dust trail behind. Miya looked to the side and see you so focused that your eyes shined bright, like a diamond(or anything that fits your eye color).
Before you make a move, you simply observe what Miya will do. Miya was confused at first but decided to accelerate even further. He jumped onto the side of his skateboard doing a rail slide. You were a bit surprised, but decided to keep going.

You were towards the end but Miya was still ahead

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You were towards the end but Miya was still ahead. You tried to get ahead of but he keeps blocking your way. He sure was being a brat in this race. How will you accelerate further if he's blocking you? So you decided to try something out, something that will make you win against him.

As the race got more intense, Miya looked behind you with a teasing look. "Slimes can never win against heroes," Miya said as he skated further. An ick mark appeared on your forehead.

'Me? A slime!? As if!' and with that thought running in your head, you tried to find an opening to get past Miya.

Miya made a wonderful jump with his skateboard which has him take a big lead, what he doesn't know is that he left an opening that no one would've expected it to be.

Miya: "What will you do now, (Y/N)? I'm a pro, there's no way you can beat m-"

He's the overconfident one....nice. But let's see if he'll be confident if you try something different.

You do an outstanding laser flip onto the handrail.

This shocked Miya. 'What!? I was sure I blocked all the openings!'

Miya: "STOP! The handrails are severed beyond their that! You can't get through normally!"

Miya: "STOP! The handrails are severed beyond their that! You can't get through normally!"

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You, to his surprise got through, Miya's eyes widened and continued to skate. You two were side by side and people were watching to see who's going to win. You and Miya were so close that it's hard to tell who won. But.....You won, by a hair strand.

If Miya hadn't stopped for a even a second, he could've beaten you, however, game is game, and he unfortunately lost.

The crowd cheered and chanted.
"(Y/N) won!?" "No way!"
"Miya lost!?"

Miya was exhausted and so were you. Miya's legs were bent, hands on his knees, panting from exhaustion. You walked up to Miya.

(Y/N): "That was a fun race. It was nice to go up against an opponent with more experience than me."

Miya gave you a salty look. "But- how? How did you manage to do that..."

You ignored his question, instead, you gave Miya a smile. Miya's eyes lit up and looked away.

Miya: "You just got lucky. Next time, I'll beat you for sure."

                                  ~ ❤︎︎ ~

Reki and Langa ran over to Miya and (Y/N), bumping into a few people.

Reki: "Excuse us! Sorry about that. Outta the way please."

Reki: That was amazing skating there Y/n! You also did good Miya!"
Langa: "Hey (Y/N), can you show me that laser flip you did earlier?"

You nodded. That's the first time someone asked you to teach them something. Maybe this place really is your home, but no, we shouldn't assume things so quickly, it could turn out like last time....
(Y/N): "Sure, but um, Miya, would you like to practice with me as well?"

You saw loneliness in that boy's eyes. So out of pity, you decided to be his friend. You wanted him to come with you to practice. After all, you both need friends.

But you never expected what would happen after you two became friends...

Miya's eyes lit. Nobody has ever asked to practice with him. It was usually him asking to practice with someone or coaching them.

It's been a long time since he ever hung out with a friend, well, if he can even call you that yet. However, he still agreed forcing back a smile to form on his face.

Miya: "Oh um... sure."

~ 🝮 ~

Continued on the next chapter....


~𝙊𝙪𝙧 𝙄𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚~ᴍɪʏᴀ ᴄʜɪɴᴇɴ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now