𝘽𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙝 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙥𝙩 3.

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You all skated down hill hoping to lose it. Then you stopped because of that awful smell again, but this time, it came from below. It wasn't the ghost this time.

Reki: "EH!? CHERRY!?"

Cherry was on the ground, covered in mud and it stunk so badly. You all covered your nose.

(Y/N): "What happened to you?"

There was no response. Instead, all they got was groaning and this ugh sound.

Miya: "It's pointless, he's long gone."

Reki: "Don't say that! That freaks me out."

He said his last sentence a bit more quiet.

(Y/N): "You're scared that might be you?"


Joe: "Let's just leave him here, there's no point in trying, besides, we need to make a sacrifice for the safety of ourselves."

Reki gulped and looked down at Cherry.

Reki: "Let's just go!"

When you continued skating, you looked to the side and see blue hair. You thought to yourself, "Who's that?" You skated over to the moving blue hair figure, Miya saw and followed you.

Miya: "Where do you think you're going?"

(Y/N): "Well it's pretty much obvious I'm going over to that person over there."

"Are you dumb!?? Don't approach some random dipshit just because he has blueberry hair! What if it's the ghost's lover who's also come out here to eat us!?" Miya says the last part creeped out.

You ignored him anyway.

Miya sighed and continued to follow you.

When (Y/N) got a better view, they saw that it was Langa. Of course it was! Who else would it be...hehe.

(Y/N): "Hey Langa! It's me (Y/N)! Over here! The others are right behind us."

You waved as a signal to tell Langa to come.

Langa: "Oh (Y/N)"

Langa came to you.

Miya: "Hey, what's that sound?"

(Y/N): "What sound—"

Right there, they heard screaming and yelling. You turned around shakily when she felt something approaching them.

Y/n: "WHAT THE $#%*/&"

They all ran for their lives.

Miya: "Yea on second thought, let's not go back there."


Langa: "Reki! I gotta go get him."

(Y/N): "Wait Langa!"

You sighed, Langa was already off to go find Reki. "There he goes, off to save his dear, Princess Reki," Miya says sarcastically.

Y/n: "Welp, now we're alone again—wait, WE'RE ALONE!?!"

You started freaking out like crazy. Soon enough, Miya sighed and put his index finger over your mouth as a signal to be quiet.

Miya: "Shhhh, we just have to get out of here and we'll be fine, wouldn't say the same for the others though."

Instead of making (Y/N) feel better, it made them feel worse.

Y/n: "THAT'S NOT GOOD AT ALL! Langa, Reki, Joe, shadow, and Cherry are our friends, we shouldn't just leave them here "

Miya sighed in defeat, "fine, I guess you're right." They continued to find a way out of the forest, the stinky smell came to their noses again.

(Y/N): "oh no...."

Miya: "You smell it too huh?"

They turned around slowly in fear to look behind them. There stood the mud ghost. They both screamed and ran away, unfortunately, they were surrounded.

(Y/N): "Miya....."

Miya: "(Y/N)....."

They both scream and clutched on to each other, but before they could get covered in the ghost's mud, the sun arose and the ghosts disappeared, they both sighed in relief. "I though I was going to die!" you say.

Miya: "I would've used you as a sacrifice so I could escape if I really wanted to."

(Y/N): "Hey! And here I thought you were nice, you're so rude.....hmph!"

You turned your head away from Miya in anger.

Miya: "I said if I really wanted to, but I would never, not in a million years, besides, I was just joking!"

You looked back to Miya in forgiving eyes as you sighed. As for Miya, he was processing what he just said, which made him blush a little, you didn't notice though.

(Y/N): "Come on, let's go get the others."

Miya nodded and both of you guys went to fetch the others, it wasn't a surprise when they also found out that Langa has been covered in mud too. They carried them back to the house and waited for them to regain continuous.


(Y/N): "Well that sure was an interesting vacation."

Reki: "For you, I got eaten by that ghost!"

Miya: "Just admit it, you were scared."

Reki: "Hey!!"

Cherry: "What was that thing?"

They all wondered in thought and stared into the sky. "What was it...?"

Sorry for the late post! School is conflicting on my work here, I will try to post part 7  today or tomorrow of when Reki, Langa, and Miya went down underground. Anyways, thanks for waiting for this 😅

~𝙊𝙪𝙧 𝙄𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚~ᴍɪʏᴀ ᴄʜɪɴᴇɴ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now