17.••𝙏𝙤 𝙬𝙞𝙣 𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙛𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩••

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You and Miya have been training for 5 hours now. You needed a break but Miya's stubborn ass said no.

Miya: C'mon (Y/N), don't be such a baby, you can still train for a few more hours.

(Y/N): No I can't

You deadpanned. Your serious eyes can never fail to scare somebody, even Miya. Miya sighed.

Miya: Fine...only a short break. I'll be going to your house to get my phone, I left it there, can I get the keys?

You nod.

(Y/N): Sure, well, here you go!

Miya catches it.

Miya: Thanks shriveled up fry!

Miya ran off before you can even say something.

(Y/N): "Shriveled up what now- HEY DON'T RUN AWAY!"

You sighed and decided to take a stroll for a bit. You walked over to a bench near a flower patch to sit on.

(Y/N): Finally, peace and quiet where no asshole is here to annoy me...

You were wrong. Himaru came and sat beside you. Great way to ruin someone's day just by showing up.

Himaru: HI!-

(Y/N): No.

Himaru: What do you mean no? Pfft, I haven't even said anything yet!

(Y/N): I mean no to your existence.

Himaru: Oh

(Y/N): now tell me, what do you want? I thought we're done already?

Himaru: Well, I've heard about Adam's rematch with you, isn't it tomorrow? Oh that's right! I came to tell you to not even bother, you'll lose either wa-

You shushed her by putting your finger on her lips.

(Y/N): Are you just scared that your poor master is going to lose to me, again?

Way to go, you ticked off Himaru! She flicked your hand off of her mouth.

Himaru: Me? Scared? No way! If anything YOU should be scared, you're going up against a legendary skater! You'd be no match for him

(Y/N): Perhaps you forgotten who won last time? Or were you just to stubborn to believe it? Adam isn't all that, he's just a pedophile freak who can't keep promises, he thinks he lives in a world with only himself. Is that who your master is? Pathetic.

Himaru clenched her teeth. She was pissed.

Himaru: Well then (Y/N), go against me! I'll make sure you have a few broken bones when you come out from our beef, or maybe you won't come out alive at all! Hahahaha-

You pushed her to the wall.

Himaru: OUCH!

(Y/N): I know you're going to rig my skateboard, so I simply must decline, I would not like to go up against a cheater, and a fake. You act all confident and mighty but really you're just scared. And you use your confident act to cover it up. Now, I'll tell you once, get out of my sight

Himaru rushed out so quickly that she could trip any second. The least thing she wanted was to get that glare of yours.

(Y/N): Hmph...I'm not that terrifying right?

A Few Minutes Later....

Miya finally came back with his phone.

(Y/N): There you are! What took you so long?

~𝙊𝙪𝙧 𝙄𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚~ᴍɪʏᴀ ᴄʜɪɴᴇɴ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now