9. ••𝘼 𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙮 𝘿𝙖𝙮••

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Sorry for not posting, my parents got divorced a few days ago and it's been hard and I need to catch up with school.

"*sigh*....It's raining...." you said.

(Y/N): I'm so bored, aghhh....I wish I could call Miya over but he would catch a cold from the rain.

(Y/N): I was hoping to train today so I can be prepared for the beef with Adam...

You sighed.

(Y/N): I guess I'll just have to wait another time.

Your mom was at work for quite awhile now. Then, you heard a knock on your door. You walked towards the door to open it.

(Y/N): who is it—

To your surprise, it was Miya standing outside, he had a bag of food in his hands, he also had his skateboard and it didn't look like he had an umbrella, no wonder his hood looked so wet.

(Y/N): Miya!? What are you doing here? Come inside, you're going to catch a cold.

Miya came inside and lie down on the couch. He was exhausted.

Miya: What? Don't you want my accompany? It must be pretty boring being by yourself locked up in your house. Too bad we couldn't train at the par—

Miya sneezed.

Miya: ACHOO!

You sighed and gave him a tissue. He sniffed.

(Y/N): You're so reckless. Going out in the rain like that without an umbrella. It was pouring really hard too so it's not that an umbrella would make much of a difference. But....thanks.....for um, well, your concern. Really went out in the rain just to hang out with me huh?

Miya: Shut up slime....just take the food and eat it. We're going to prepare for your beef with Adam, but first, you have to be starving, you're weak if you don't eat.

You sighed.

(Y/N): jeez, how are we going to train if it's raining?

Miya: who said anything about training? We're going to PREPARE. Meaning, we're going to work with your physical body, as in 100 push ups, jumping jacks, sit ups, and much more. And lucky for you, you seem to have a gym in your garage.

(Y/N): I-I- ugh....Fine....

Miya: I know what you're thinking. You're going to eat very slow to stall time until I have to leave. So eat fast or the next time I see you, I'm going to slam a pie in your face.

Miya can read you like a book. Guess if you spend time together for too long, you understand each other more.

(Y/N): hmph

You ate up quickly. After you were done, you walked towards Miya, who was sitting on the couch with his game controller.

(Y/N): Well, I'm done now.

Miya looked up. He turned his game off.

Miya: Finally, let's go

Miya opened the door to your garage.

Miya: now, 100 push ups, go on.

(Y/N): Hold up! As in, no taking breaks? No stopping?

Miya: Yes

He literally can't be serious right now, as if he could do that with his scrawny body!

(Y/N): I can't do that! My arms and legs would break!

Miya walked over and kneel down. He held your arm and inspected it. That caused a blush to form on your face.

(Y/N): what are you doing?

Miya: hmmm....well then, we'll start by building your muscle strength. Right now, you clearly have no muscles, take a look at your arm—

You pulled your arm away from him. (His hands were cold asf)

(Y/N): Hey! Ever heard of personal space?!

You adverted your eyes away from him.

Miya: Oh? Someone seems to be flustered. Were you really thinking that I'd make fun of you?

(Y/N): well knowing you, of course!

Miya: well you aren't wrong, I probably would make fun of people for a weak body, pfft, but since it's you....I'm not going to.

(Y/N): .......eh?

Miya's eyes widened. His face got all red.

Miya: never mind what I said! Go start lifting the dumbbell, I'll be waiting here!

You tilt your head.

(Y/N): alright then

A few minutes has passed and you caught Miya staring at you.

(Y/N): Hey! Stop staring, it's embarrassing...

Miya snapped out of his gaze. He got all flustered

Miya: I wasn't staring!

(Y/N): yes you were!

Miya: no I wasn't!

(Y/N): you were! But I'll let it slide just this once. And— hm? Miya, you're face is as red as a tomato right now, did you catch a cold from the rain?

Miya quickly raised his hands up to his face. He felt how hot he was, what the hell even caused that to happen anyway, definitely not (Y/N), it couldn't be! At least that's what Miya likes to think.

Miya: Huh?

You walked towards him and put your forehead against his.

(Y/N): You're burning up! Stay right here, I'll go get a wet towel and some medicine.

You left in a hurry over to the kitchen. Miya touched his forehead, was it from the rain? Or was it because you caused him to blush a lot?

What was this feeling inside him? It made his heart pound fast, he had butterflies in his stomach.

"Why am I feeling this way? They did something to me and holy shit, I cant tell if I hate it... Their eyes look more attractive now that I think about it, and their skin is really soft...not to mention those l-"

Miya snaps himself out of his thoughts. He felt himself getting more red by the second that he could faint. He put a hand over his heart to feel it pumping faster and faster.

Miya: Y/N....

We had a lot of Miya x Reader in this chapter.

~𝙊𝙪𝙧 𝙄𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚~ᴍɪʏᴀ ᴄʜɪɴᴇɴ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now