7. ••𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩 𝘽𝙚𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙙 "𝙎"••

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~ ❤︎︎ ~

The screaming noise continued and got louder and louder everytime. Langa, Reki, and Miya were in shock. A tiny sweat dropped from Miya's face.

(Y/N): "Himaru!! Stop! What are you doing to him!?"

Himaru: "In order for skating to be fun, you must go up against strong opponents, it's not a bad thing, I'm simply making him stronger."

The boy who looked like a 16-17 year old continued to yell as himaru's machine electrocuted and injected stuff into him. You from the start knew something was up, from the start you knew that Himaru was very, very different. Out of curiosity though, you still decided to follow her. You didn't expect this though.

(Y/N): "That's enough! Leave him alone, you can't make him stronger like that! It's hurting him."

Himaru hummed in response. She sighed and walked over to you.

Himaru: "You wanna know the secret behind "S" and how it all began?"

Now this was something that Miya, Langa, Reki, and (Y/N) were interested in.

(Y/N): "Tell me."

Himaru: "Countless of people wanted to skate. So we created "S". Unfortunately, none of them were strong enough. They kept getting beaten by the all the other "good" skaters. They would be kicked out and never allowed to be back in "S" again. This was a long time ago. We needed more stronger skaters, so what we did is that we inject the drug  into them and electrocuted them so they get stronger. After that, we would train them every minute, every hour, every day, with no breaks. If they still fail, then we erase skating from them. You're lucky that "S" isn't as bad as it was before, but......there are still people doing that, such as me. Call me selfish, but i think skating would be much more interesting when we have strong opponents, don't you agree?"

You didn't answer, you were still processing what Himaru had just told you. Why was the past "S" so cruel? Then, they heard footsteps.

Miya: "We need to get (Y/N) out of here! It's dangerous, we shouldn't be here."

Reki: "If the "S" tradition is still here today....then that's means—"

Reki was cut off when they all saw Adam.

(Y/N): "Un..cle...?"

Himaru: "Adam sir, the injection should be completed by now. Should we test him out?"

Adam: "Go ahead, I'll have a little talk with (Y/N) while you're at it."

Miya: "Adam, what's he doing here....?"

Reki: "The legendary Adam!?! Wait, does that mean he's in charge of the cruel "S" tradition!?"

Langa: "Adam?"

Miya: "Adam is a legendary skater, he's so strong that it's not even funny. He sent countless of skaters to the hospital. He uses a trick called "Love hug." They say he goes uphill."

Reki: "Is that even possible?"

Miya: "Don't know... I've never seen in before."

Langa: "He seems like a strong skater."

Miya: "Trust me, he is, that's why you shouldn't go up against him recklessly."

Adam: "Y/N...! I finally get to see my little niece grow up! And you have become a skater....I see....."

(Or nephew, pretend it says nephew if you're a male, I was just too lazy to do both so I just chose one)

Miya: NIECE!?!

Y/N: "Adam, what's going on? Are you in charge of this!? Also, don't call me "little niece." I despise you with every bone in my body."

Adam: "Not calling me Uncle Noske anymore?"

Adam looked at your eyes to see hatred inside.

Adam: "Oh? I see."

Adam started to take out his cigarette and smoked and you coughed at the smoke coming out, covering your nose. Then Adam finally began to speak.

Adam: "To answer your question, yes, indeed I am in charge of this organization. We work all day to make skaters stronger, in fact, I did all of this just for you my dear (Y/N). After all, that is what you wanted right? Skating against strong people is what makes you love skating."

(Y/N): "But....but I never wanted this!"

Adam: "That's.....really a shame."

Adam grabbed his skateboard and skated around in circles until he finally stop. He pointed at you.

Adam: "You, you will be my next victim."

Reki and Miya knew what this meant. For you though, you were still confused.

Adam: "Skate against me, I'll give you a taste of true power then."

Miya: What!? Y/N can't skate against this guy! He's far too dangerous, it's not worth it (Y/N), just decline.

A sweat dropped from Miya's face as he was in shock. Miya knew that Adam was a dangerous guy. He wanted to jump and grab (Y/N) out of there, but something is preventing him to.

(Y/N): "I....."

"I can't run away from all my problems anymore, and neither can I run away from him..." you thought.

You sighed.

(Y/N): "Alright....., but let's make a bet. If I win, you have to stop harming these innocent people to make them stronger...however if I lose.....then, I'll be the next person to get injected with that drug!"

Now Adam was really looking forward to this. Miya, Reki, and Langa were all in shock. Miya couldn't handle this anymore, he had to do something.

'(Y/N)...what are you thinking...?'

And Cliffhanger! I have a lot of  homework so I might publish the next part in maybe 3-4 days. Or 2 if I finish it quickly.

 Or 2 if I finish it quickly

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