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A mask.
I put one on every day.
More often than not, it's the same one.
A soft smile planted on its face.
A small crack appears on it.
Nothing too alarming.
More cracks begin to show up on the mask.
Every hurtful word every insult you throw at me cracks my precious mask.
The only thing in this world that was stable.
Cracked.. and broken.
Just like it's owner from the same things.
Funny how insults can be thrown around so easily, but compliments aren't.
Funny how my mask and my self worth is cracked because of words.
Simple words.
They appear to be so small and meaningless.
Yet carry the power to make or break people.
Words can seem so innocent until taken the wrong way.
"I'm sorry it was just a joke."
If it were a joke then shouldn't I be laughing too?
What a funny thing to use.

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