Meetings and Showings

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I held back a scream but instead shouted, “INCOMING!!!”

Everyone looked up at me. I was falling so fast no one could catch me. I took the matter into my own hands. Looking to my right I saw a pillar close enough that I could push off of it with one of my feet. I hopped from right pillar to left pillar slowing my fall. By the time I had slowed enough, I leapt off the pillar I was on, front flipped mid-air and landed in a crouch. Everyone stared at me in surprise and confusion, except Bunny who nodded approvingly. I looked at Jack and his mouth was hanging open.

“Who is this?” North said slowly looking at a Yeti for an answer.

“Bwardle boff,” it said.

“Hello,” I started, “I know you don’t know who I am but I know who you are. You are the Guardians. You protect the children. My name is Autumn Greenleaf.”

Sandman formed a question mark above his head and shrugged. I continued, “I am a Guardian.”

North looked at me in even more surprise, “A Guardian?”

“You bet your brumby,” Bunny said in my defense, “Found this little ankle biter in one of my tunnels.”

“You say little,” I arched an eyebrow, “but I am way older than you.”

Tooth flew over to me and hovered in my face, “Another girl! Hi, I’m the Tooth Fairy and these are my fairies.” The baby teeth squeaked and waved.

I smiled at her and looked back at Jack who was now sitting on North’s desk. “Jack,” I said as I walked towards him, “Something’s wrong. That’s why the man in the moon chose you to become a Guardian.”

“He chose me?” Jack asked looking up at the Moon.

North squinted suspiciously, “How do you know this?”

I turned around, “Because he told me. And that’s why I came. You need my help and even though I’ve been invisible to everyone the last six hundred years, I’m finally appearing to help you defeat Pitch Black.”

“You mean the Boogeyman?” Jack smirked.

“Yes,” North said.

I kind of tuned out as they finished their conversation until Jack asked me, “So, Autumn. What do you do?”


“Peter Cottontail has his... nunchucks, North has his swords, Tooth has wings, Sandy has... sand. What do you have?”

My eyes brightened and I twisted a green curl around my finger as I spotted a nearby plant. “This is what I do.”

I stretched out my arms and waved them gracefully in a circle. I lunged with my right foot forward and spun back around.

“Are you ready?”

I didn’t wait for an answer. I thrust my hands toward Jack and the plant grew into a massive vine. It wrapped around his ankle and he dropped his staff as it pulled him toward the ceiling upside down.

“Aaaaaaah!” he yelled on his way up.

I laughed and grabbed his staff as I crawled up the vine to where he was hanging by his foot. I crossed my legs on the vine and dropped down next to him.

“Satisfied?” I asked handing him the frost bitten staff.

He grinned and I shrank the plant down to its normal size allowing Jack to regain his freedom.

“Woah,” Bunny said in awe.

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