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When I woke up I saw Jack slumped beside me. I crawled over to him and laid one of my hands on his shoulder and one on his side.

“Jack,” I whispered and shook him lightly. He didn’t answer so I shook him again, “Jack.”

He didn’t move. I couldn’t think of anything else to wake him up gently by. I knew that if he was awoken too quickly he could be majorly injured. I put my ears back and my tail swished on the snowy ground of the trench. Getting onto my hands and knees, I leaned forward and closed my eyes. I could feel my heart racing. Then, I pressed my lips gently against Jack’s and kissed him. Nothing happened at first and I cupped his face in my hands. I pulled away and blew my warm breath onto his face. Jack’s cheeks turned a slight pink and he gasped awake. My palms were still against his cold skin when Jack’s icy blue eyes opened.

He looked a little confused, “Autumn...?”

I took my hands away from him and looked at the ground. Jack touched his mouth, probably still feeling the warmth of mine.

“What happened?” Jack asked me still a little dazed.

I blushed, “N...nothing. I just...”

I felt his finger tilt up my chin so that I looked him in the eye. He smiled gently, a rare thing to see Jack Frost do. My heart pounded in my chest as he shifted closer to me. Soon we were sitting right in front of each other. My breathing hitched when he reached up to touch my cheek.

Jack pulled his hand back in a flinching motion, “I...I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok,” I said and took his hand placing it back on the side of my face.

Jack raised his other hand and tucked a green curl behind my flattened ear. I looked up at him through my eyelashes and felt my face heat up. He chuckled as a flower grew in between us. Oh gosh! I said to myself. Sometimes when my emotions were strong enough they could weigh my power to what I felt.

Jack smiled, picked the flower and put it in my hair, “Perfect.”

I giggled. We sat there and stared at each other until we found our faces only an inch apart. I felt his cool breath on my face and our noses brushed together. I could feel my eyes brighten and Jack lost himself in them. He leaned forward. I turned my head slightly and our faces got closer. I looked down then back in his eyes. Jack smirked and kissed me. I wasn’t ready and he took me by surprise but I relaxed. He didn’t know what to do so I guessed this was his first kiss. I took his hands and placed them on my waist and wrapped my arms around his neck. We sank deeper into the kiss and Jack smiled but then cringed. I pulled away to see if he was alright. Jack looked really hurt so I put my hand behind his head and laid him down softly.

“Thanks,” he said.

I tilted my head, “For what?”

“For being here.”

I laughed, “Well it wasn’t my plan to get captured and used as a persuasive object.”

Jack laughed too. A gust of cold wind blew into the trench making me shiver. I scooted to the wall next to Jack and held myself trying to keep warm. Jack wrapped his arm around me but I flinched away.

“Sorry,” he mumbled, “all I can do is keep you cold.”

I smiled, “But thank you for the thought, Jack. I really appreciate it.”

I kissed his cheek gently and he closed his eyes. When he had just started to relax I saw a golden glow come from his sweatshirt pocket.

“Jack?” a voice called out to him, “Jack!”

He jumped and reached his hand into his pocket. Jack pulled out the golden cylinder which had a boy’s picture on it. Everything was the same about Jack except the shaggy brown hair and deep brown eyes. We looked at each other and my tail wagged at the tip. I nodded and Jack pushed the blue diamond in the middle of the box. I didn’t know what happened next because his eyes closed and he sat there in silence, almost as if he was in a trance. I pursed my lips and stood up.

“Aaaaaaa!” I screamed and fell back onto the floor.

I looked down at my leg to see it was swollen and red. I gritted my teeth and placed my hand on  it carefully. Closing my eyes I could feel the broken bone in my leg. In other words, this meant I couldn’t walk. Why does it feel like I’m injuring myself every two seconds? I asked myself. Just as I stabilized myself against the wall again, Jack’s eyes shot open and he gasped for air.

“Jack!” I helped him get up onto his knees, “Are you ok?”

“Did you... did you see that?!” Jack asked me getting excited. I shook my head no and he continued, “It... it was me! I had a family! I had a sister! I saved her!” Jack looked into the clouds where the moon was barely visible, “That’s why you chose me. I’m, I’m a Guardian.” I grinned and he laughed. “We have to get out of here,” Jack said picking up the two halves of his staff that Pitch had broken and thrown down after us.

I put my hands to my mouth in surprise, “Oh, Jack...”

He ignored me and fit them together. I could tell he was trying to use his power to bring the two pieces back together. I could tell that he was trying hard so I helped him. I put my hand on his shoulder and the other over one of the staff pieces. I could feel the broken parts of his staff and I mentally knitted the parts back together just enough that Jack could finish what he started. I let go of him and an ice spark flew from in between the pieces and immediately reconnected.

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