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The Guardians talked some more and I sat on the floor next to Jack. We were both silent until he got involved too and had a fight with Bunny.

“I am not a kangaroo, mate.”

Jack’s tone got angrier, “Oh, and all this time I thought you were. If you’re not a kangaroo, what are you?”

“I’m a bunny. The Easter Bunny. People believe in me.”

That caught my attention. No one believed in Jack. I felt a pain in my heart. Barely anyone believed in me. I knew how he felt.

“Jack,” North said, “walk with me.”

The both of them went off and talked while the rest of us stayed where we were. Bunny came over to me.

“I’m sorry you had to hear that,” he said.

I pushed my bangs out of my eyes, “It’s ok.”

Then he walked away to do who knows what. Tooth was still giving orders to her fairies as Sandy snored silently in the corner of the room. I smiled but grimaced when I felt a burning sensation on my right hand. My palm had turned a bright red. I touched it with my left finger and felt an extreme freezing temperature. The staff. I touched Jack’s staff. The cold was doing this to me. I bit my lip as a purple tint came over my hand.

“Autumn!” Bunny ran back over to me, “We have to get to North!”

Bunny, Sandy and I ran through the halls of the Pole and came to Jack and North. “We have a problem, mate!” Bunny said to North, “Trouble at the Tooth Palace.”

North lead us to a set of double doors and pushed through them. This was the launching hanger, he probably took off in his sleigh every year here. For North, Christmas was rush hour.

“North!” Jack said, “I told you I’m not going with you guys! There is no way I’m getting into some rickety old...”

Before Jack could finish, the Yetis pushed a button that brought out the amazing “Santa’s Sleigh.” It was far from rickety and old. The sleigh wasn’t made of wood but a very strong metal. It had a rocket on the back and several controls in front. The reindeer were already hooked up and ready to take off.

“...sleigh,” Jack mumbled in amazement, “Ok, one ride, but that’s it.”

North grinned, “Everyone loves the sleigh.” Everyone piled into the sleigh except one. “Bunny, what are you waiting for?”

“I think my tunnels might be faster, mate,” he said tapping the sleigh with his foot, “And um, and safer.”

North laughed, “Ah, get in!” He grabbed Bunny and tossed him on the seat. “Buckle up!”

Bunny desperately looked around him, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, where are the bloody seat belts?!”

“That was just expression,” North chuckled.

North cracked the reigns and we were off into the tunnels of the Pole. There were ice stalagmites and stalactites everywhere but there was a path cleared just for the sleigh. I laughed and put my hands in the air as we zipped through the icy pathway.
“I hope you like the loopty loops!” North yelled over the howling wind.

Bunny’s face turned a shade of green, “I hope you like carrots.”

Jack and I were having a great time. When we were upside dow he forgot to hold on and he flew out of his seat. I thrust out my hand and grew a vine out of thin air that whipped around his wrist. The vine shortened until his hand was in mine and Jack was back in the sleigh. He looked at me with his gorgeous ice-blue eyes. I blushed but then felt another burn on my hand so I pulled away. I looked at my palm which had turned a darker shade of purple. I pursed my lips and tore a piece of my tank top off and wrapped the cloth around my hand. Finally we reached the end of the tunnel and popped out into the air.

“Woah,” Jack jumped up to the top of the sleigh, “Hey Bunny, check out this view... EEEYAAAGGHGHH!” Jack flew off in the wind and Bunny and I looked over the edge to see if he was alright. “Awe, you do care,” he smiled at Bunny.

He grimaced, “Ah, rack off you bloody show pony!”

I giggled and elbowed Bunny playfully as Jack sat down next to me again in the sleigh. His white hair waved in the icy breeze and my cheeks were a little rosy in the cold. I pulled my hair back into a high ponytail and let my nicely trimmed bangs curl above my eyebrows.

“Hold on everyone, I know a shortcut!” North yelled back to us.

Bunny gripped the seat like his life depended on it, “Oh strewth, I knew we should’ve taken the tunnels!”

North pulled out a snow globe and shook it, “I say, Tooth Palace.”

Then he chucked it in front of the sleigh and we flew into the portal. When we got through, black sand horses were carrying what looked like... TOOTH’S FAIRIES! I grew my vine whip and lashed out on the horses. Jack flew up in the air and swiped at them with his staff. North tried to keep the reindeer moving forward as Bunny threw his boomerangs. There were so many. Jack finally made a horse dissipate and caught a baby tooth. He held her in his hands and ducked back in the sleigh protecting her. One of the horses charged at me. I was surprised so I let go of my invisible cloak, showing my ears and tail, to strike faster. A few baby teeth were able to escape but soon more horses trapped them in there sandy, cage-like stomachs. I blew a gust of warm, spring wind which picked up leaves from the ground far below. The leaves flew high up into a small path of nature for me to walk on. Soon, I was running on leaves in mid-air trying to help the other Guardians as much as I could. Then, the thought came to mind.

“Woheet woheet!”

I whistled so loud that it carried over the Tooth Palace’s outer terrain in a long echo. After a few seconds of whipping and slashing, some of my bird friends flew to my aid and crashed into the horses. My eyes gleamed when I smiled. We were making a small amount of damage, but not enough to stop the capturing of the baby fairies. I soon grew tired and my bird friends were too. I thanked them quickly for their help and ran on all fours back to the sleigh. My tail blew in the wind so much that I lost my balance and started to fall, but before I even got close to the ground, I felt an arm around my waist pulling me back up to the sleigh. Jack was riding his Winter breeze with me at his side. I tried to put my cloak on again so that no one would see my... differences but I was so revved up with adrenaline, I couldn’t focus on just one thing. It was a short amount of time before we got back to the sleigh. That’s when North made the giant plunge into the Tooth Palace. Bunny was again grabbing the seat, practically at the verge of vomiting but regained his composure as we landed on the palace floor.

“They took the teeth,” Bunny sighed.

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