The Pole

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“That’s impossible,” Bunny said looking me over again, “There are only four bloody Guardians and I’m one of them.”

“I know,” I smiled sadly and slid against the wall of the tunnel and onto its floor. Pulling my knees to my chest and curling my tail around my ankles, I sighed thinking how stupid I was for letting my freedom slip through my fingers and into the hands of a full-time Guardian. “Please, Bunny, don’t tell the others.”

He looked surprised, “You know my name?”

I looked at his soft, confused face, “I know all of your friends’ names, too. I have been, um, observing you and the others as well as someone you’re following. Jack Frost.”

He blinked and shook his head then smiled, “If you’re a Guardian you need to come with me.”

“No,” I said pulling my hand away from his, “Please, I don’t want to be a Guardian. I want to be free.”

“Autumn,” Bunny looked in my eyes, “You have to come to the Pole. All of the Guardians were called there by North. The only reason I’m here is...”

“To get Jack. I know. He’s been chosen by who you call ‘Manny.’ Bunny I can’t come with you. I have to be free, like the wild flowers in the forest. You wouldn’t try to tame them would you?”

He sighed as my ears dipped forward, “Look, I can’t stay. I have to get that trouble maker to the Pole. Come if you like.”

With that, Bunny bounded down the tunnel. I hesitated then reluctantly followed wondering what adventurous thing could be going on with the Guardians. The tunnel turned upward and I crawled out as Bunny ran into an alley way. I followed and saw Jack. He turned around and held his staff defensively as Bunny’s shadow knocked a trashcan onto the ground.

“Hello, mate. Been a long time. Blizzard of 68, I believe? Easter Sunday, wasn’t it?”

“Bunny? You’re not still mad about that...are ya?” Jack smirked and leaned on his staff.

“Yes. But this is about something else.” Bunny pulled out his boomerang and examined it casually, “Fellas...”

Out of nowhere, two Yetis from jumped into view and shoved Jack headfirst into a bag. Then one of them pulled out a snow globe, a very powerful teleportation device hand crafted by North himself.

The Yeti turned to Bunny, “Dwbard bardla burdlew?”

“Me?” he chuckled,  “Not on your nelly. See you back at the pole.”

Then he stamped his foot twice and another tunnel appeared. The Yetis tossed Jack through the portal and then they jumped in. Bunny was about to enter the tunnel, but before he did I stopped him.

“Bunny?” I said walking out of the shadows behind him.

He turned around and smiled, “So, you decided to come?” I nodded and smiled too. He then waved toward the tunnel, “After you.”

“What a gentleman,” I grinned wider and jumped in.

Immediately, I bolted on all fours toward the end of the tunnel. Looking back I saw Bunny racing to keep up.

“Crikey, you’re a fast one!” he said coming up behind me.

I laughed heartily, “You’re not the only one who runs fifty miles an hour!”

Together we jumped out of the tunnel and into North’s “workshop.” I could hear the Tooth Fairy giving her orders to her baby fairies, “Tangiers! Incivie du haut, 421 rue de Barat! Allez!” Bunny walked to a pillar and leaned against it. He pulled out an egg and finished painting it.

North gasped as the Yetis appeared from the portal with the sack, “He’s here!”

My eyes sparkled as I climbed up the same pillar that Bunny was leaning on. I didn’t know that if I showed myself they would accept me because of my tail and ears. So I used the invisible cloak to hide them. As I reached the top of the pillar, there were some boards across the ceiling. I sat on one of them and dangled my legs, watching.

“Walla Walla, Washington. We’ve got a trampoline mishap at 1340 Ginger Lane!” Tooth yelled.

North shushed her, “Quiet.” Jack crawled out of the bag to see North and Sandman standing around him.

Tooth hovered quietly for a moment then started up again, “Canine, lateral and central incisor. Ouch!”

Jack looked around, “You gotta be kidding me.”

I kicked my legs and giggled. Bunny looked up at me from his egg, smiled slightly and shook his head. I stopped paying attention to everyone and honed in on Jack. I could hear every word he was saying as I blurred out everyone else. I was lost in a trance of thought when suddenly he slammed his staff on the ground and sent a giant wave of cold air in every direction. I lost my balance on the board and fell forwards. Luckily, I grabbed the board before I could fall down onto the floor.

“What makes you think I wanna be a Guardian?” he asked partially aggravated.

By then I couldn’t hold on any longer. Then, my fingers slipped. I fell from the giant hight towards the ground.

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