Chater 12 : Titanic

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“Anna, I’m sorry for laughing at you but don’t you get it?!  I LOVE YOU! L-O-V-E LOVE!  I won’t leave you and if you are so worried about me getting hurt I’ll let you train me.  Ok?  Teach me your ticks of the trade.” 

She smiled down at me.  We both started to move closer to each other.  Slowly eliminating the space between our faces. 

“Fine.  I will train you but you hurt me emotionally in anyway and I will kick your as*.  Understood?”

“Yes Ma’am.”

She smiled and closed the last of the gap between our faces.  Our lips touched and you know how they describe the best kiss with tingles and stuff like that?  Well...we had fireworks....


Chapter 12

Anna’s POV

We were walking back to our room hand in hand.  I still couldn’t really wrap my head around really being with him. His hand was so warm in mine and my fingers fit perfectly in between his.  It reminded me of that song....ugh what was it called.... VINILA TWILIGHT!!!! THATS IT!  We were talking and laughing and just having fun being in each other’s company. 

We were walking through the common ground and there were trees all around us.  I had all of my senses on high alert.  Just because I’m his real girlfriend now doesn’t mean that I’m not still his body guard.  I heard the crickets chirping and the leaves rustle in the trees.  Then I heard it.  ‘SNAP!’  I whipped my head around to the source of the sound and found a large tree obscuring my vision.  The hairs on the back of my neck were standing on end.  I squeezed Jack’s hand and started pulling him along a little faster.  I just had this gut feeling that if I didn’t get out of there something bad was going to happen.

“Anna!  What’s going on?!”  Jack asked.  You know that voice where you both whisper and yell at the same time?  Yeah well that’s what he sounded like.

“SHHHHHHH!!!! Now hurry up!”  I started jogging with Jack in tow to our room. We made it to our door in seconds and I quickly opened it with the key.  I pulled him inside and locked the door, pulled him over to sit on the couch, went around checking all the windows and behind curtains and in the showers, all the while having my knife in my hand.

After about ten minutes of throughly checking the place I was satisfied that nobody was in here or had been in here.  I walked back out into the living room and sat down next to Jack.  He looked at me with concern and fear written clear across his face.

“Anna.  What was that all about?”  He whispered.  I had a feeling he wanted his voice to come out stronger but he seemed so scared.  I felt bad for scaring him like that but, something just didn’t feel right! 


“I - Jack, I don’t know how to explain this.  Um...I get these...feelings, about when something bad might happen.  I don’t know what it is but I  have always been good at sensing danger and - well - when we were walking through the common ground back there, it just felt like something was off so...yeah.”  I was looking down at my hands, twidiling my thumbs.  Jack put his hand under my chin and lifted my face so I was looking in his eyes.

“Thank you.”  He smiled at me and kissed me.  Short and sweet. 

“Your welcome.  Now, what should we do?”  I looked at him and he chuckled.

“How about food?  I’m starving!”  I looked at him with a scowl on my face.

“You are not starving.  Children in Africa are starving.  YOU, dear boyfriend of mine, are just very hungry.”  I smiled quoting Emily.  She was a bit of stickler when it came to things like that.

“So.  What do you want?  I can make pasta, pizza, pancakes, burgers...”  He looked at me with a grin on his face. 

“You can cook?” 


“That is so cool!!!  My woman knows how to cook!”  I glared at him but I just couldn’t keep it on my face long enough to make an impact.  We just ended up laughing with each other. 

I mad pizza and we got our plates and settled on the couch.  I had popped in Titanic and pressed play.  It took me a while to convince him to watch it but I finally got him to cave.


When we had finished the movie we had gone through half a box of tissues between the two of us.  Jack kept asking through the whole ending.

‘Why? Why did he have to die?’

The credits started rolling and Jack turned to look at me with a serious face. 

“You ever tell anyone that I cried at Titanic and you will regret it.”

I giggled and snuggled into his side.  It was late, 12:05 to be exact, and we were both tired.  Jack slid me in front of him and we both fell asleep on our sides, spooning on the couch. 

You know....I could get used to this...


I KNOW I KNOW THIS CHAPTER STINKS!  I was having major writers block but I wanted to get something up for you guys so bear with me.  It will get better I promise! 






My Past Is Following Me And My Celebrity Boyfriend (formerly Bad Girl Still Bad)Where stories live. Discover now