Chpater 15: Good Things Rarely Happen In The Dark

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Hey guys!  So bear with me here on this chapter.  I haven’t ever written a battle scene before so it might be a little rough...ALSO!  I want to send a shout out and a HUGE thank you to my friend Brittany (LunaLynn) who was my editor for this chapter! goes nothin...hope you like it!


Jacks POV


Thats all I could black spandex pants and tank clung to her body like a second skin.  Her long brown hair was pulled up on the top of her head so I was able to see her whole face.  She saw me staring and just smirked before grabbing my hand and towing me out of the room.  Max and Em trailed behind as we made our way to the gym.  O goody...I get have my a** kicked by my girlfriend...This is going to wound the pride a bit...come to think of it, I might get physically wounded too.  This just keeps getting better and better. 

Anna’s POV

We got to the gym and I lead everybody to the center of the room.  Nobody had said a word since we left the dorms. 

As I was placing matts on the floor I could hear Max and Emily chattering excitedly in the corner.  When I was done I looked up to find Jack.  His face was set in a manner that showed no particular emotion.  I had a feeling that he wasn’t exactly happy about his first training session going public...

“Ok ready Jack?”

He looked up at me and gave me a half-hearted smile.

“Ready whenever you are.”

I showed him where to position himself and how to throw a punch correctly.  I was surprised and impressed that he was picking this up so quickly.  By the time that two hours were up we each had a few bruises from where we landed a few good hits on each other.

“Ok...One last...time!”  Jack said.  He was panting heavily but didn’t want to give up just yet.


I had him pinned in a mater of seconds.  He was tired and sore so it was pretty easy.  I smiled at him and pecked his lips.  Somehow he managed to get his arm out from under me and grabbed my head when I tried to pull away to pull me back in for another kiss. 

Wow he is a good kisser.  We got lost in each other until someone coughed. 

“As much as I love seeing my bestie finally happy and all I could do without the public make out.” Em said.  Max chuckled as I pushed myself up off the floor and patted down my now mused hair.  I pulled Jack up from the matt and he kept my hand in his.

“So Max...Ninjas or pirates?” Em asked as we walked out of the doors.  I smiled to myself knowing that she wasn’t going to get a straight answer yet.  It was just something that Max used to do.  He would never answer a question directly just to see how P.O. he could get you. 

“I’m still on the fence but I’m leaning towards ninjas.” He smiled and slung his arm over Em’s shoulder to keep her walking along with us. 

It had gotten dark in the time that we were in the gym.  Dang it! I had wanted to bring a flashlight the next time we were out here.  I was worried that something like last time would happen and this time it wasn’t just me and Jack out here.  Max and Em were with us too! What if something happened to them?


Thats when I heard it.  A stick was broken to the far left of us.  The hair on the back of my neck was standing on end.  I could feel the tension humming through the air like an electric current.

“Guys you need to go now!” I whisper yelled at them.

Jack looked at me, his face twisted into a mask of worry and fear.  The last time I had told him to run someone had been chasing us. 

“Max, Em, lets go!” He said.  He tried to get them to run with him but Em wouldn’t budge.

“I’m not leaving Anna out here all alone!”

“SHHHHH!!!!”  I shushed her and everyone stood still.


“RUN!” I screamed at them.  I had heard someone take the safety off of a gun somewhere to our left in almost the same position as where I heard the stick snap. 

They all looked at me and then started running toward our dorms.  I stayed behind them scanning and listening for anything other than the sound of our footsteps and labored breathing.


I pushed my self harder and ran in front of Jack.  I dove on him and pulled us to the ground.  After the shock wore off after a few seconds I pulled us both to our feet and we kept running.

I could see the lights of the dorm building just a few hundred feet ahead.  If we could just make it...


We were on the door step opening the door when I jumped in front of Jack again.  This time I felt it...

A white hot pain shot through my shoulder...

I fell back into the hall and pulled Jack down with me as I fell to the floor. 

I looked down at the hand I had pulled away from my shoulder.  It was covered in blood...

My vision started to get a little blurry on the edges...

"ANNA!!  Stay with me please!  Anna!  Say something!  Come on baby please!"

I could faintly hear someone desperately calling my name.


I wanted to say that I would be fine.  I just need to sleep...

I was so tired...

I closed my eyes...

Then darkness...





How did I do?  Let me know cause I really want to know what you guys have to say!  Also if you could message me with any ideas you have I could really use the help and you will become a character in the story if I do use your idea!  So please give me any feed back...GOOD AND BAD!!!!

Thanks guys for sticking with me!  Also make sure to check out the new story that I will be posting in the next few days called Lost and Found!  I decided to try somethin paranormal so let me know what you think!

xoxo PAbaby123

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