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“Anna,” he said coldly, “What was your dream about and why did you run away crying?” 

I took a shaky breath, preparing to tell the truth because I knew he would know if I was lying. 

“She’s being let out Max.  She’s coming for me.” That was all I got out before they both gasped and I started crying again.



Maxs POV

“WHAT?!” Jack and I both said together.  Anna looked at us tears welling in her eyes before she collapsed, crying, into Jack again.  My heart was breaking seeing my baby belle like this.  In all my years I had never seen her cry.

“Anna, calm down.  Your safe now, tell us what is going on?”  She took a deep breath and rearranged her face into that emotionless mask that I hate so much. 

“I will tell you everything but not here.  Jack, can we go home?”  She looked so helpless and tired.

“Jack you take her back to you place.  I’ll get her bike.” 

Anna tried to get up but her knees let out from underneath her.  Before she fell Jack somehow swung her up onto his back and started walking off towards their apartment leaving me alone.

I thought back on the time Anna opened up to me the first time.  She told me about her mother and father and how she came to be an orphan.  It made my blood boil with anger at how someone could do that to an innocent child!

Before I knew it I was in front of Jack and Anna’s dorm.  I parked her bike and walked to the door waiting to be buzzed in.  Jack opened the door and I saw a sleeping Anna on the couch.  Her face was finally peaceful from the dreamless sleep.

Jacks POV (beginning where Max’s part started)

I saw her knees buckle so before she could hit the ground I picked her up and swung her onto my back.  I grabbed her legs and wrapped them around my torso.  Her arms wound themselves around my neck and her head rested on my shoulder.  I could smell her shampoo as her head rested against my cheek. 

“Thank you.” She whispered.  She kissed my neck softly and a shiver went through my body.  I had to think about math problems to calm myself and keep myself from thinking of how close she was.

‘What is the matter that she got so upset?’  I wondered.  I felt so helpless seeing her sobbing into my chest.  I didn’t know what was wrong but I felt this need to protect her from it.  I didn’t realize how close we were to our dorm until I found myself out front of our door.  I swiped the key card and let us in.  I carried her over to the couch and laid her down.  Her dark hair framed her face which was tear-streaked from crying.

Walking away I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.  I was so frustrated with myself!  Normally I see a hot girl and think of pickup lines so I can date her for a week and then dump her but with Anna, the most beautiful girl I had ever seen,... it was different.  I was different.  I didn’t want to hurt her.  I really liked this girl!  UGH!  Why was I thinking like this?!  I can’t think like this again.  I can’t

I sat down on the bar stool and put my head in my hands.  Ok,  I need to go out tonight.  I’ll ask Anna if she wants to go.


My head shot up as the buzzer rang to alert me that someone was here.  It must be Max.  I looked at Anna who was still fast asleep on the couch.  I hoped off the stool and went to the door to let Max in.

My Past Is Following Me And My Celebrity Boyfriend (formerly Bad Girl Still Bad)Where stories live. Discover now