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Y/n's Pov

Fred and I were running down the corridors to get to Charms class. My friends Cameron and Camille were right behind us. George was walking in front of us. A few minutes later we got into the line to head into Professor Flitwick's classroom. We walked in.

"Good morning class," The tiny professor squeaked from behind a giant pile of books. "Today we are going to be doing the charm Aquamenti. Can anyone tell me what that is?"

I raised my hand, "It's a water charm."

"Very good miss L/n. Ten points to Slytherin," He squeaked. I smiled a little. Charms has always been my best class. I was in m sixth year at Hogwarts and in Charms I was top of the class.

"I want you all to try it," Flitwick called.

Soon all I could hear was the spell cantering of Aquamnti being heard across the room. Soon enough class was over and we headed to the great hall for dinner.

I walked away from Fred and George with Camille and Cameron. We sat down in our usual seats and began to talk.

"So, hen do you think Fred will ask you out on a date?" Camille asked as I was taking a sip of my pumpkin juice. I almost spit all of it out of my mouth.

"I've told you multiple times before, we are just friends," I told them. "Anyways, It's not like he would even like me."

"I would beg to differ," Cameron said and then I glared at him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked as I gave both of them the death stare. "Spit it out. What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that he totally likes you Y/n!" Camille replied as she grabbed a chicken wing from the plate. "Do you see the way he blushes when you two are walking down the halls together?"

"Whatever, I'm not fighting you guys!" I told them and then grabbed a book out of my backpack and started reading.

Dumbledore stood up from his seat and told us how we were going to be hosting the Triwizard Tournament this year and that there wouldn't be any quidditch. He also told us that we would have to put our names into this thing called the Goblet Of Fire and that there was an age limit. It was seventeen or older. I heard the twins yell "That's Rubbish!!" from across the hall. He soon set us all back to our dorms.

A few weeks past and the next thing we knew, it was Halloween. The doors of the great hall opened and the kids from Durmstrang walked in and sat down at my table. Then the Beauxbatons students walked into the hall and sat with the Ravenclaws. The Goblet of Fire was introduced to us.

"If you wish to enter your name in the tournament," Dumbledore called from the teacher's table. "You will have to do it between tonight and tomorrow because tomorrow night the champions will be announced! Now off to bed! All of you!"

Soon the great hall was filled with commotion. Everyone standing up and talking to their friends. I was of course talking with Camille and Cameron. I saw Fred and George whispering about something so I walked over to the boys.

"Whatcha boys talking about?" I asked as I stood on my tippy toes to put my arms around their shoulders.

"Nothing," George answered. "Can you help us brew an aging potion?"

"Um, why may I ask?" I asked them and then threw them both suspicious glances.

"We want to try to enter the tournament so we need somebody to brew us aging potions," Fred replied and then added. "And since you're the smartest in our year we thought you could help us."

"No!"I then skipped off to the dungeons where my nice cozy bed was. I walked into the common room and noticed that Camille and Cameron were sitting on the couch in front of the fire. I walked over and sat in between them.

"Hey guys," I squished myself in between them. "Why are you all so secretive?"

"We are not secretive!" Cameron defended.

"Yeah right," I said. "The twins want me to try and make them an aging potion," I told them.

"Are you going to do it for them?"Camille asked.

"No. I don't want them getting hurt!"

"Especially Fred~" Cameron commented in a sing-songy voice.

"Shut It!"I smacked him with a pillow. "You two are both gits you know that right!?" I laughed.

"We know," They replied in unison.

A few hours later, the clock struck 11:00 PM, "Well, I better get off to bed." I told them then walked up into the dorm that I shared with Camile. I also shared it with three other girls, but they rarely ever talked to me.

A couple of minutes later I heard the dorm door open and saw Camile walk in. She laid down in her bed and seconds later I heard her snores.

The next day

I woke up the next morning and walked into the bathroom. I quickly took a shower and then grabbed clothes.

Your outfit:

I quickly brushed my teeth and tamed my curly H/C hair

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I quickly brushed my teeth and tamed my curly H/C hair. I walked out of the dorm and to the great hall. I accidentally bumped into a fourth year on my way. 

"Ew, watch where you're going!"The kid spat. "I don't want a mudblood touching me!" I looked at the kid and noticed he was in Slytherin too. I recognized him, he had platinum blonde hair and a snobbish face. He must be Draco Malfoy. 

"One for your information, I'm a half-blood," I commented as I stood up and looked the kid right in the eyes. "And two you might want to look at ties before you are mean to fellow housemates!"

"My father will hear about this!" The kid walked away. 

I continued walking to the great hall. I sat down in my normal seat and then decided to get some food. I noticed that Fred was talking to Angelina Johnson, another Gryffindor girl. I don't know why but I felt kind of angry. Maybe it was because he was my best friend and I was overprotective of him. Little did I know it was so much more than that...

A/n: Hey Guys! It's Katie, I'm so grateful that my story has reached #10 in Fredrick. I only have posted this and one other part. Thanks so much for reading this! Shoutout to Ari because I will be changing the cover to something she made. Thanks again!

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