The First Task

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A month passed since the Triwizard Champions had been announced. Cedric and I have been getting extremely close. We even talked about stuff that we would normally not talk about.

"Hey Y/n, can we talk?" Cedric asked as I was walking out of potions class.

"Sure Ced," We started walking down the hall. We walked into an empty classroom. "What's up!?"

"Um, I was wondering after the first task," He paused for a moment. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me?" He looked down at the ground.

"Sure!" I replied with a smile on my face. He looked so happy as a smile grew on his face. He quickly grabbed my cheeks and pulled me into a kiss. I kissed back, but just then Fred walked into the room.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know that anyone was in here," Fred looked down at his feet. "I'll be going now." He walked out of the room and Cedric and I walked out of the room as well. We walked into the great hall for lunch, Cedric going to the Hufflepuff table and me going to the Slytherin table. 

"Oo, you and Diggory just walked into the hall together!" Camille squealed as I took the seat across from her. "We saw you walk off with him after potions class. Where did you guys go?"

"We went to an empty classroom and just talked," I didn't want to mention the kiss that we shared because both of my friends would be annoying gits about it and just tease me for the rest of my life. "He actually asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him after the first task." 

They both looked at me with shocked expressions. "What did you say?" They both asked in unison. Sometimes I hated that they were twins. 

"Obviously I said yes," I replied looking at the two. 

"Ooo, do you think he'll ask you to be his girlfriend?" Cameron asked as I took a bite out of my steak. 

"I don't know. Why don't you go over there and ask him yourself?" I glared at the both of them and continued eating my food. 

About half an hour later, dinner was over and we headed back to the common room. "Hey, do you guys think the Yule Ball will be fun?"

"Of course it will!" Camile said.

"Do you think Cedric will ask you to the ball?" Cameron asked as we walked into the common room. "It seems like it with the way you two are acting." 

"Oh shove off!" I laughed at the two. "I'm going to my dorm, see you guys later." I walked up the stair and into my dorm. I grabbed some pyjamas from my dresser and walked into the bathroom. I turned the water on and took a shower. I quickly got my pyjamas on, brushed out my hair, and then brushed my teeth. I then plopped down on my bed and into a peaceful sleep. 

Time skip to the first task.

A couple of weeks had passed and it was the morning of the first task. Me and my friends made our way onto the quidditch pitch which was no longer a quidditch pitch, but an enclosure. Me and my friends walked by Fred and George who were taking bets. 

"Wanna place a bet?" George asked as we walked by. 

"No, I don't gamble," We walked up to our seats and sat down. I saw Cedric walking out of the champions' tent. I saw him give me a signal to come down there. I walked past my friends as Cameron said to me, "Oo someone wants to give Diggory a good luck kiss!" As I was walking by, I flipped him off and continued walking.

I got down to the ground and walked into the champions' tent. I noticed all the champions pacing back and forth. I noticed Harry was pacing as he was talking to another fourth-year named Hermione Granger. I walked over to the corner Cedric was in. 

"Hey Ced, how are you feeling?" I asked as I patted him on the shoulder. 

"Nervous," He stopped pacing and sat down on a chair that was placed in the corner. 

"Well, I just came to wish you good luck," I kissed him and then heard a camera snap. I turned around and noticed a woman with a notepad and a guy with a camera behind her. 

"Hello, I'm Rita Skeeter, editor and chief of the Daily Prophet," She stuck her hand out for me to shake it. I gave her a nasty glare. I then noticed the guy behind her had taken a picture of Harry and Hermione hugging. 

"This tent is for champions...and friends only," Viktor Krum, who I actually had never heard speak before, spoke. Just then, Dumbledore came in with Barty Crouch and Ludo Bagman. 

I quickly gave Cedric a kiss on the cheek and left the tent and walked back to my friends. I noticed that Fred and George were up there too.

"Hey, guys!" I said as I took the seat next to Fred. 

"Hey, L/n!" George waved. I waved back and smiled.

"So, Y/n what did Cedric want?" Camille asked. 

"I was just wishing him good luck on the task," I glared at her. "Anyways, it's not even like he's my boyfriend. I mean yeah we've kissed but he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet." 

"Wait, you and Cedric have kissed?" George questioned looking at me and my friends. 

"Um yeah," I told. 

"Oh cool," George added then said, "Well, me and Freddie here better get back to Lee. He'll be annoying as ever." And with that, they walked off. I could hear them fighting as they walked off to their friend but I couldn't hear what it was about. 

I drifted off into my thoughts and was reawoken from them by a cannon going off. I looked out onto the field and saw Cedric battling a Swedish Short-Snout. He looked very nervous as he came out onto the field. I saw the dragon breathing fire and noticed that it burned the side of his cheek. He turned a rock into a dog and grabbed the golden egg. Next came out Fleur Delacour, who was fighting a Welsh Green Dragon. She ended up managing to get the golden egg from the dragon, but not before the dragon burned her skirt. Next up was Viktor Krum, who battled a Chinese Fireball. He ended up putting a blinding spell on the dragon. It worked until the dragon stepped on half of its real eggs. 

I knew who was next. It was Harry Potter. I felt bad for the fourteen-year-old. A lot has happened in his past and he wasn't ready to battle a dragon. I noticed that he was fighting a Hungarian Horntail. He started off not that great, but ten minutes in he cast a spell, and his broom came flying from the castle. He jumped on it and grabbed the golden egg. Soon, the task was over. 

My friends and I walked out of the stands and back into the castle. We walked into the dungeon and sat down at a table in the far right corner. The dim lighting was very dark so barely anyone could see us. 

"I'm surprised Cedric didn't want to catch up after he finished the task," Cameron laughed as I glared at him from across the table. 

"You know, I'm going to go check upon him," I walked out of the darkness and walking towards the door. I heard Cameron yell, "Go get your boyfriend!!" I flipped him off and walked out of the common room and into the halls of Hogwarts. 

A/n: Hey guys, it's Katie! As you know I love writing stories and this book. In the next chapter, there is a bit of drama. Sorry about all the time skips in this chapter, I just didn't want the chapters to get to boring. Not too much but a little. The next chapter is going to be about the Yule Ball, so there will be a time skip. Again, thanks so much Ari for making the cover! Thanks so much to everyone who reads this book. It means a lot. Well till next chapter, Katie. :)

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