Potions Class

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The Yule Ball was in a couple of days, and I still didn't have a date yet. I waited and waited for someone to ask me, but no one did. I was walking with Fred and George to Charms's class one day when we started talking about the ball.

"So, L/n you got a date for the ball yet?" George asked as he started walking backward.

"Not yet, but hopefully soon," I saw Fred's face light up. "Do you guys have dates?"

"Yup, I'm taking Angelina," George replied smirking.

"Freddie dearest do you have a date yet?" I chuckled out. I would always call him random names to make the three of us laugh.

"Actually, I don't," He told us. "I am surprised though considering I am the most handsome man at this school."

At this, we all just burst out into laughter. "You the hottest man in this school?" I was almost on the floor crying of laughter. "Never!"

"You guys are gits you know that right?" He started laughing.

"You know, Y/n if you really don't have a date we could go together," Fred said smirking and then he realized what he said and then added, "just as friends of course!" Fred was as bright as a tomato.

"Of course I'll go with you Freddie," I kissed his cheek and we both went red.

"Haha, you two are blushing!"George was hunched over laughing.

"Shove off George, "I smacked the back of his head. We walked the rest of the way in silence.

I walked into the classroom and sat down where I normally sit. I was sitting down next to Fred when Camille and Cameron walked into the classroom and rushed over to us. 

"What's got you two in such a bad mood" They both sat down and gave the twins a glare. 

"These two over here pranked us while you went with them here, so you wouldn't suspect a thing," Camille took out her quill and notebook as professor Snape walked into the room. 

"Wands away!" He snapped as we all put our wands away. "Today we are brewing a potion called Felix Felicis. Can anyone tell me what it is?"

My hand shot into the air, "Liquid luck sir. It gives the person whoever drinks it luck for that whole day or as much as they drink. It is obviously illegal to use it during sports competitions like quidditch, and tests."

"Very good miss L/n" He walked over to the board and wrote some instructions on it. "Now, I want you all to copy these down and put them in your potion. Whoever can brew the best potion will win a small vial of Liquid Luck, also known as Felix Felicis." 

I shot up out of my chair and towards the ingredients. I grabbed everything I needed and walked back over to my cauldron and started working. By the time I was down with it, it was a lilac/light purple color. I raised my hand and Snape walked away from the other students over to me. "Very well miss L/n, you have just won yourself a via-"

He was cut off by the sound of an explosion coming from right next to us. I saw everyone's heads turn and look in our direction. I turned and noticed that the twins had blown up their cauldron. 

"Detention! Both of you!" Snape glared and continued talking to me. "Now, as I was saying you have won the liquid luck." He walked over to another table and started checking on them. 

About twenty minutes later, the class was over. I grabbed my stuff and walked out with Camille, Cameron, Fred, and George. "Why did you guys blow up that cauldron!" I whisper yelled as we walked out of the classroom and down the hall to the library where we were spending our free period. 

"What, we can't help it if Snape is a git!" Fred turned and look back at the door. "I don't know how you guys deal with him as your head of house." 

"Hey! He's nice once you get to know him," Camille was know walked backward down the hallway. 

"Yeah, you just haven't got to know him," I laughed as they both turned and gave me an annoyed look. We continued walking to the library and once we got there we saw Cedric and Cho. The two least people I wanted to see. I just kept walking and found an aisle that we could all sit and talk in. We never really did that much studying. 

"Hey, Y/n/n, how you feeling after seeing that?" Fred asked as he sat down and put an arm around me. I leaned my head on his shoulder. 

"I'm finally actually," I smiled up at him. I looked him right in the eyes and got lost in them. They were chocolaty brown and extremely handsome. I could tell that I was blushing because I felt my face get hot. I quickly looked away and back at my other friends who were all looking at us smirking. "What!" I laughed at them until they realized that I spoke. 

"Nothing!" They all said in unison and then grabbed some books off the shelves which was very unlikely about them. 

"Are they actually getting books?" Fred whispered into my ear. I felt butterflies creep into my stomach. This had never happened before. Am I catching feelings for Fred Weasley?

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