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As I walked through the halls, I could hear a lot of partying. I turned the corner and saw the barrels leading up to the Hufflepuff common room. I quickly knocked on the door and a Hufflepuff by the name of Zacharias Smith walked out. I knew he was on the quidditch team and he played one of the chaser positions.

"Ugh, what is a Slytherin doing out here?" The kid spat. He gave me a very disgusted face.

"Um, I'm just here to wish Cedric congrats on the task," I gripped my wand ready to jinx the kid if needed. (J.k). "No need to get snippy."

"Whatever," Smith walked back into the common room, and I heard him call Cedric. "She wants to talk to you." He walked back into the common room.

"Hey, Y/n!" He smiled as he saw me. "What are you doing here?"

"I just came to say congrats on the task!"

"Thanks!" He smirked. "Are we still on for that date tomorrow?"

"Of course!" I said. I quickly kissed his cheek. "I have to get back to the common room now, bye." I skipped back to the common room and saw my friends siting infront of the fireplace waiting for me.

"You know guys," I walked over to them and sat down in an armchair, "don't have to wait up for me."

"We wanted to hear all about what happened with Diggory," Cameron told me and I gave him the death stare.

"I bet you guys snogged!" Camille giggled.

"You guys are so annoying!" I grabbed a book from the table next to me. They must have caught on because they started running away. I chased them around the common room. I finally caught up to them and hit them both on the head. "Now, if you don't mind I'm going to bed before either of you can embarrass me." I walked up the stairs to my dorm and plopped down on my bed.

Time skip to Hogsmeade

I woke up the next morning to Camille shaking me awake. "Go away. Let me sleep."

"No, you have a date with Diggory today," She kept shaking me. "You have to get up!"

I groaned and sat up. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. I grabbed some clothes and put them on.

 I grabbed some clothes and put them on

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(This is your outfit)

I hugged Camille goodbye and then walked out of the dorm. I walked up the stairs to the great hall where I saw Cedric waiting outside for me. I ran up to him and pulled him into a hug. 

"Hey, Ced!"I exclaimed as I pulled out of the hug. "Ready for our trip to Hogsmeade?"

"Yeah, totally!" He grabbed my hand and we started walking down the long slope to Hogsmeade. We laughed and talked the whole way there. 

"So, where do you want to go to first?" He asked as we started strolling down the main road. 

"Ooh, can we go to Honeydukes? I heard they just got a new candy!" I started pulling him by his hand into the warm shop. I looked around and noticed a bunch of candy. 

"So, what's your favorite sweet from here?" I questioned as we looked around the shop. "Mine are either Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans, Sugar Quills, Chocolate Frogs, or Drewballs bubblegum." I grabbed a sugar quill off the rack. 

"Mine are either Pumpkin Pasties or Chocolate Frogs," He answered as he grabbed both of them off the shelf. 

We walked up to the register and paid. We walked out of the shop and down to The Three Broomsticks. We walked inside and grabbed a table, Cedric went up to get us our butterbeer. I then saw Fred and George walk in. I waved them over.  

They walked over and sat down. 

"Hey L/n," George pulled out a chair and sat down next to me. 

"Hey, Georgie!" I smiled. Fred was still standing. "Hey, Freddie! What's up?"

I heard him mumble something. Cedric walked back over. "Oh, hey George, Fred."

"Hey, Cedric," George waved. George had always been the more heartfelt twin. George stood up. "Well,  Fred and I must be heading off." Fred and George walked out. 

"I wonder what's going on with Fred," I said as Cedric handed me my butterbeer. 

"Probably something about quidditch," Cedric sat down. 

"Yeah. Probably,"

"Hey, Y/n..."Cedric got nervous all of a sudden. "Do you want to be my girlfiend?"

"Omg yes!"

Hey Guys! I know this is a short part, but the next chapter will be kind of long. Hope you like it! I tried really hard. As I said, there was only a bit of drama. I'm trying to get more drama, but I don't want any till at least the Yule Ball. Thanks so much for reading! - Katie

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