The Break-up

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Y/n's Pov

It had been a month since Cedric and I had started dating. He was super sweet. He even gave me one of his sweatshirts. I was walking with Camille and Cameron to potions class one day when Cedric came up to me. 

"Hey, darling," Cedric put his arm around my shoulder. 

"Hey, Ced!" I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Don't you have Defense Against the Dark Arts this morning?"

"Yeah, just thought that I would walk you to class," He said. 

"Well, you should get to class before Moody gives you a detention," I told him, and then he took his arm off my shoulder. We were nearing the dungeons where Snape's classroom was. "I'll see you after," I gave him a quick kiss. 

"Eww, no PDA," Cameron whined as Cedric walked off. 

"Oh shut up!" We walked into the classroom and walked to our normal table where the infamous Weasley twins were. "Hey boys!" I took out my quill and a blank piece of parchment. 

"Hey, L/n!" George was standing at the cauldron across from me. 

"Hey, Y/n," Fred smiled. He started grabbing stuff out of his bag. "What have you been up to?"

"Nothing really," I replied, and then Camille and Cameron both smiled at me. "What are you two smiling about?" 

"Just that you and Diggory have been snogging for the past month!" Cameron smirked. 

"Oh, so you and Diggory?" Fred asked me. 

"Yeah, but he's been pretty distant lately," I looked at him. "Wonder what that's all about!" 

"Hey, did you guys hear that the Yule Ball is this month!?" Camille squealed. Just then Snape walked in. 

"Wands away everyone," He walked over to his desk. "Today we are brewing a potion called Amortentia. Can anyone tell me what that is?" He added in his very bitter voice. Despite Snape being my head of house I never really liked him. "Now in this cauldron," He pointed at a cauldron in the middle of the room. "L/n, I want you to come up here and take a smell of it." 

I walked up to the cauldron and stuck my nose to the tip of it, "I smell...roses," I took another sniff. "Strawberries..."I took one last sniff, "And...firework powder and gunpowder." I walked back over to my table. 

"Very good. Now, I want you all to try to brew this potion. You are working in partners." He started taking out a notebook. "Partners are Fred and Y/n, Camille and George, Cameron and Lee." He droned on about who was in partners. 

As he did this I thought to myself, there was only one person that I knew who smelled like firework powder and gunpowder, and that was Fred Weasley. Why did I smell Fred? I couldn't like him, I was dating Cedric. Anyways, he's probably dating Angelina. I don't know why, but the thought of him dating Angelina gets me all mad. Maybe I do like him. 

I thought for a couple more minutes before we had to get started. I was grabbing the stuff that Fred and I needed when Fred walked over to me. "Need some help?"

"No, I think I got it all by myself," I dropped some rose petals. 

"Let me help," As he grabbed some things my hand brushed against his and I felt my face heat up. We walked back over to our table. I started putting the ingredients in the cauldron as he started cutting things up. "So, who are you going to the Yule Ball with?"

"I'm guessing my boyfriend," I didn't notice, but Fred's face got all red and he started cutting up the stuff more aggressively. 

"Who are you going with?" I asked as I looked at him. 

"I don't know yet," He shrugged and then added what he was cutting into the cauldron. "I was going to ask someone else, but they already got asked." 

"Oh okay," My heart dropped a little that he was going to ask someone else. "So, what do you smell?" He walked over to the cauldron.

"I smell Y/S(Your Scent)," He walked back over. Just then there was a boom from next to us. I turned my head and noticed that George had blown up his and Camille's cauldron. 

"Ten points from Gryffindor," Snape scoffed as he walked over to the table. "And Camille you better not blow up another cauldron." He walked away. Then the bell rang. We all scurried out of the classroom. 

"Why did you guys blow up that cauldron!?" I asked as we all walked up the stairs from the dungeons. 

"Because it's fun to blow things up," George smiled. "Come on let's take a shortcut." 

We made our way to where the shortcut was. As we turned the corner, my eyes filled with tears as I saw what I saw. I saw Cedric kissing Cho Chang. A Ravenclaw in the year below me.

A/n: Hey guys, I know Cedric would never do this, but it's just for the story. 

"Are you kidding me, Cedric!"I screamed and then they broke apart. 

"Y/n, It's not what it looks-"I cut him off. 

"Oh, It's exactly what it looks like! We've been dating for a month!" I kept screaming and tears were running down my face. "Is this why you have been so distant!?"

He didn't answer, "Are you serious right now!? You won't even answer me!" I kept screaming. Soon enough there was a crowd consisting of multiple students. Some of them I knew like Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Fred and Georges' little sister and brother Ron and Ginny Weasley. "How long has this been going on!?"

He still didn't answer. 

"I asked you a question how long has this been going on!?" He stood there and muttered something. "What was that!?" 

"Three weeks okay!" He yelled back!

"Omg are you fucking serious! We have only been together for four!" I screamed and by now my eyes were probably red from all the tears that were falling out of my eyes. "You know what? We're done! You wasted so much of my time!" I ran off. Camille was right behind. 

I stormed into the common room and ran up the stairs to my dorm. I plopped down on my bed and Camille came and sat next to me as I cried my eyes out for hours. I finally stopped crying around midnight. I fell into a restless sleep that night thinking about a lot of things. Including Cedric cheating, Fred, and why I smelled him in my Amortentia. 

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