Twelve: ~A Life Changing Idea~

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"Yeah, I'll give it to your boyfriend." Sapnap winked at Dream and gave a small smirk as Dream rolled his eyes, shutting the door behind him.

George's eyes slowly open, seeing Karl beside him with the side of his eyes. He saw Sapnap sitting next to Karl and a girl changing the bandages on George's head.

"Hello sleepy head." She had a nice smile, sweet and gentle. "Don't worry, I'm just changing the cloth so it doesn't get worse. Just try not to move."

All he could do was lay still as she applied a new piece of cloth, slamming his hand against his face from the outraging hangover that came with the alcohol. He guessed Karl wasn't feeling it either, Sapnap holding a wooden bucket beside the bed and hearing the sound of vomit occasionally throughout his rest.

He looked tired as if he's been awake all night caring for Karl, George couldn't help by feel somewhat bad for him. They are cute with each other.

"That should be it." The girl threw the old cloth into a different bucket filled with water and reached her hand out at George. "Names Niki, I'm the healer of the kingdom."

She had blonde shoulder length hair, was about average height, and maybe in her twenties. The outfit she wore was different then the others but of course that's what you'd expect when it comes to the different clothing of girls and boys.

She wore a long dress, plaidish and was a yellowish color he thinks. She wore circle like glasses but only when she helped George with his wounds and had a bright smile that could cure anyone of sadness. It'd look good if she braided it.

George took the hand from his face and shook her hand in response. "George. And um thank you for changing that."

"No worries, it's atleast I could do while you were y'know passed out." She let out a little giggle, happy to see that he's doing fine with the mixture of hitting his head and the never ending amount of alcohol he consumed just a few hours ago.

He couldn't help but to be amazed that he's made it this long without being killed or dying from his injury.

George sat up and yawned, stretching his arms and back before he spoke. "So where's Dream?"

"I think he headed to get some materials but he should be back within a few days. No more then a week."

He knew that it wasn't just materials from a neighboring kingdom but more like stealing from someone helpless.

But what could say, he felt helpless right now as well. The blonde caused him to gain such joy throughout these last nights but was the same one to cause harm and long thoughts. Long thoughts that lingered in his head.

They were the same ones of the moment him and the tall blonde kissed, only to be ruined by a simple sentence. 'I'm with Fundy.'

It didn't take long before George stood up from the bed, with a little help from Niki, that Tommy came running in to fetch him. "Sapnap, mind if I borrow George. The king wants em."

"Yeah sure, go ahead." Sapnap was running his fingers through the sick brunettes hair, grabbing a green jacket with his other hand. "George take this, Dream said to give it to you when you woke up."

"Oh um, thanks." He caught the jacket that was thrown to him, putting it on immediately before walking out of the house.

It looked huge on him but he didn't complain as it felt nice, warm even.

Neither of the two talked besides when Tommy waved to Tubbo and flicked off the guitarist. "Do you know why he wants to see me?" George was messing with the button on the jacket, spinning it back and forth.

"Nope but it's none of my business. I do as the king says without questions and maybe you should too."

George hated this blonde with a terrible passion, hoping one day he'll get his worth of karma. Maybe he'll learn to shut it one day or I'll do it for him.

As much as he wanted too, George knew he talked tough but had no strength or power over him as he was the same height as Dream if not as strong.

"Your majesty." Both bowed down in front of the king once they arrived, standing once they were implied too.

They weren't at the throne room nor the dining hall this time but in a room with just a window. Nothing else.

Eret waved his hand, signaling for Tommy to leave. Leaving George and the king alone.

He didn't have any guards by his side this time, surprised by the fact that George was allowed to be left alone with him with no protection. Eret began to speak as his voiced echoed through the room."George...when you first arrived to the castle, I was somewhat surprised the three of them didn't kill you on the spot. You weren't apart of the kingdom nor were you from a nearby villiage." Eret spoke to him while staring out the window, looking at the nice kingdom below.

Am I getting caught. Oh god did I slip up when drinking. "Where is this going?"

"I know you lied about your village being raided by men, none of the kingdoms near by would never have done such thing." He stopped talking for a moment, staring at George and sighed. "None of the guards and knights knew that so some showed pity whereas some showed no mercy towards the gesture of you becoming a guest here."

George wasn't sure whether to become worried or as ease from where this conversation was going but that he had to keep his guard up. Bad had told him never to get caught lying and here he was, caught lying to the king about where he's from and why he's here.

"But like I said, there's something about you and the more I think, the more I see value in you. I see something in you that I don't see in myself." Eret took off his crown and held it within his hands. "I never wanted to be king, you know that George. I became king because that's what my father wanted and because it was to save the people. But to be honest, it just isn't my setting, my place of being."

George took a moment before he questioned the king, worried where this was heading. "What are you implying you're highness?"

He paused, speaking in a rushed yet hesitant tone. "I know you're not from here nor are you apart of the bloodline but..but how would you feel to become king George?"


-Word Count- 1134

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