Nineteen: ~A New Ruler~

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The blonds emerald eyes soon shut, falling asleep as well next to the small brunet.

The sun was out, greeting George's eyes. It took him a minute to get adjusted to the brightness before being able to see his surroundings. A tall figured layed next to him, curled up against him. Dream.

George had to admit he was cute when he slept, at peace. He was happy to see him finally at rest after the whole incident, George doubts he even slept properly during all of it.

Turning around and facing the blond, he couldn't help but to give off a smile if not a few blushes.

"Morning beautiful." It caught George off guard when he said that, guessing he could sense himself staring at the handsome blond.

"Good morning."

His arm was still in a cast and he knew it would be a few months til it would be decently healed but Dream didn't seem to give off any emotion of pain when he pulled George in closer, his body crushing against his arm. They were both facing the same wall, George in front of Dream and both blushing like two bright tomatoes. "I was so lost without you Georgie, y'know that."

"Is that so. Tell me my knight, my savor. How was it you found me and why did you all not give up. I mean I'm new around here and wasn't that much of importance."

"Well how we found you, that was all Tommy. He had suspicions on Techno, guessing he'd soon find out about you being the next king. For why we cared, that was all me. Tommy felt he owed you, I love you, and everyone else felt that you were apart of the group. Leave no man behind us what Karl said."

George scooted closer towards the back of the bed, sitting up right. "Yo- you love me?"

"How could I not? I mean when I first met you, I might've been an ass but later into the night I fell for you."

"Hmm, regretted what you said the minute I gave you the apple."

"Possibly." He smirked when saying so but George's fading away.

He forgot what happened last night, what happened to Tommy.

"Oh my god, Oh my god. No no no." He was rambling again but he couldn't help it.

"What's wrong." Dream wrapped his arms around George's waist.

"Where's Tommy, how's Tommy?" He was spiraling.

Dream went silent.

"No no no. He couldn't- "

He had cut him off, reassuring George. "It's okay, it's okay. He's at Niki's place with Tubbo but- "

He was almost on the verge of tears, this is something he'll never forgive himself for. Something that will lay with him. "But what Dream, spit it out." Both could tell the fear within his voice if not a slight bit of anger.

"But he lost a lot of blood and there wasn't an exit wound.."

"Will- will he be okay?"

The blond sighed, he knew what George was going through yet he still didn't know how to help him. "All we can do is hope Georgie."

A False Reality // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now