Sixteen: ~Nothings an Adventure Without Booze and Wrong Turns~

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The tall blond sighed, he got his arm back from George and wrapped it around his shoulder. "For you, I won't."

"So um, are we good?" Tommy was still holding onto Tubbo as he spoke, showing a slight amount of nervousness.

George clung to Dreams side, they were almost inseparable after this morning. "Yeah, we're good."

A Few Hours Later

"SAPNAP! YOU CHEATED!" The jokester was yelling at Sapnap as they played chess, guessing just from what he heard that Sapnap won.

"This seems fun." Dream and everyone else walked into the one of the rooms, a few others following behind them.

Karl was sitting next to Sapnap, the jokester sat across from them. Bad was standing by the wall holding a basket full of muffins, holding hands with his supposed boyfriend.

"George!" Karl quickly left his partners side as he ran over to give George a welcoming hug. "God it's been forever."

He could only let out a little laugh while being consumed in a hug. "It's only been a little less then a day."

"Exactly, way too long."

Dream walked over to the table with Sapnap and the jokester while Tommy, Tubbo, and Wilbur all followed not too far behind.

"Looks like the next king is going to take your mans Nick." The jokester pointed over to George and Karl holding hands as they talked.

Sapnaps eyes couldn't let go of the two together, barely paying any more attention to the game. "You have to worry about Nick, Georgie's mine." Dream laughed as he saw Sapnaps eyes wonder back to Dream.

"Nicknames now." He shook his head left and right while closing his eyes. "Round two Quackity?"


"Can Tommy and I go next?" Tubbo walked up to the table and requested to go next.


The two finished their game with Sapnap winning once more, Quackity being pissed at the fact he lost five times a row.

Tommy and Tubbo started theirs and ended up with Tubbo winning one and two draws.

Dream had his arm wrapped around George's neck as he spoke. "So what does everyone want to do."

"We could walk around the forest." Wilbur said as he was playing a melody on his guitar. "I mean if that's cool with everyone."

"To the forest it is Big D." Tommy grabbed his sword and lifted it into the air for no reason at all besides he felt it was good timing. "Onwards Tubbo."

Everyone laughed as the two walked outside, Wilbur following behind to make sure nothing happens.

"Does that sound good Georgie?" Dream whispered into his ear, kissing his cheek the second he finished.

He couldn't help but to stutter, never will he be used to this affection he craved. "As long as my knight is here to protect me."

A False Reality // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now