Fourteen: ~A Question with Half the Answer~

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"I'm the reason George was offered to become king."

All the cuts, the bruises his broken arm and he's only been gone for but a few hours. Something seems to happen everytime he leaves to get supplies, I guess it's karma for stealing but I still would never have wished it upon him.

No one really knew what to do when Dream walked in besides the fact that he needed Niki.

George was still in shock just from how bad off he looked, Tubbo started to get upset again, and Tommy ran to get Sapnap while Wilbur went to get Niki.

"I'll go get Fundy." Karl ran out the door next, leaving Dream half conscious against the door, George a few feet away and Philza comforting Tubbo in another room.

The tall blond could barely stand, let alone walk but he still tried to get to George, he wanted to get to George.

"Georgie, a little help please." Dream was going white, most likely from the blood loss he's had especially not knowing how long he's been like this.

George ran over to Dream, both ending up on the floor since he had no strength to hold him up. He propped Dreams head on his lap as he emerald eyes stared back up at George.

George's face started to blush when he wouldn't stop staring, butterflies forming within his stomach. "What?"

"Has anyone ever told you that you have the most gorgeous color eyes, I mean they're different colors and that makes them a million times better."

Anyone looking at George could tell he was blushing and he was blushing to a whole new color of pink. You need to stop George, he's just not all there. "I wouldn't know and you're just saying that from the amount of blood you lost. You're with Fundy, remember?"

A smirk grew on Dreams face, he knew exactly what he was doing. "Yeah but being with you, would mean everything. That kiss the other night, it felt so good Georgie. Just imagine what other stuff we could do that'll- "

Dream was cut off, not only from George smashing his lips onto his but by Fundy dropping all the rags and the wooden buckets that he was told to carry. "...Clay..."

Both stopped and looked over to their right, seeing Fundy in tears and Niki was in shock. Dream didn't say anything when Fundy ran off and Niki didn't bring it up as she carried everything over.

His names Clay?

"This is going to hurt." She rubbed the wet rag against his head, trying to wipe off the new and dry blood from his forehead, nose, and lips. She did this a few times before getting to his arm which was broken in only one or two places. "You'll have to keep it in this and try not to move it as much as possible."

His arm was wrapped in a cloth with a piece of what looked to be wood in between it to keep his arm straight while in the makeshift sling.

"What happened to you Dream, that did this much work?" Niki questioned Dream as she was finishing her work only for it not to be answer since Sapnap came running in.

"DREAM WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED." Sapnap slid onto the floor and into Dreams arms, slamming into his broken one as well. "Oh my god I'm so sorry."

"No no, you're fine." Dream tried to let out a little laugh but everyone could tell that he was trying his best to hold in his pain.

Niki folded her arms and gently kicked Sapnap on the side. "I just positioned his arm and you've already fucked it up." She moved Sapnap over and she kneeled next to Dream again, fixing the sling he broke. "Now are you finally going to tell us what happened Dream?"


"We need more information then just that don't you think?" George spoke when everyone else layed in silence, everyone else knew what he was capable of.

Everyone else knew what could happen.


Dream was taken back to the medical room back in the castle while everyone besides Sapnap remained silent on what he said happened too him.

"Dream, did you mean what you said back there. That it was Techno?" Sapnap seemed genuinely worried, scared.

"Yes and no Sapnap." He sighed, closing his eyes and laying on the bed. "When George hit his head the other day, it was my fault and he wasn't waking up."

"..It reminded you of Drista.."

Dream looked back up to Sapnap, knowing he was right. "Yeah. But Techno was the closest and HE saved George. HE helped him but it added to the favors I already owed him."

Sapnap sat beside Dream, wrapping his arm around him. "What did he make you do Clay and don't try to hide around it."

"The king, he's been in contact with Techno. They hang out once a week, me being his only protection but I'm never in there listening to the conversation."

"Go on." He was off the bed now, looking for some kind of alcohol to give to himself and Dream.

"This time I was and when Eret left the room, he told me to convince him to give up his throne. Give the throne to George. I couldn't say no because I owe him so many favors but I don't know what he has planned for him. It's worrying me Nick, I don't know if I can protect him."

"You love him, don't you. Even after just meeting him." Sapnap was able to find some wine on one of the shelves, gulping it immediately.

"The second he walked in, the second he opened his mouth and began talking. His voice was beautiful, he eyes if not even more. He seemed so confused yet carefree, caring yet not too courage. It might not make sense but that night we talked, I couldn't get him off my mind."

Both knew what each other were going to say. "And then theres Fundy."


No one knew where Fundy went but George felt terrible for what he did and Dream didn't back away or try to pull away. He can't remember when he started to love him, but he did.

Does he truly love me back?


-Word Count- 1069

Sorry if this one isn't as good or confusing, the next one will be better.

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