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We are now in the car at 5:00 am. I'm so tired that I tripped getting into the car. Once we all settle down in the car we all just start talking and playing would you rather.

"Would you rather clean up my barf or get $20 bucks in a toilet full of things?"Katniss asks
And Katniss says
"I guess number one wins!"

And once we reach Virginia we see people staring at us


Once I see people staring at the group and my cheer squad I go up to them and ask who are they.

"We are THE JETS"
"Cool" I say
"Ooh Mocking jays that's amazing." And with that I storm off to the matts.

Once we head to the matts we start our routine which is sassy and hardcore and I really like it,until Delly try's to change it by making it inappropriate.
One part Delly makes me do,I screamed and said
"NO! Delly I don't feel comfortable doing that ok we are sticking with my routine and that's you understand?" I ask getting irritated
"Yah I do" she says smirking and I just give a confused look.

Once I do the extreme twist I fall and everything goes blurry.


I see Katniss fall to the ground so I run up to her with Peeta and say
"Katniss stay with us please please don't leave us"
"Babe are you ok?please wake up I can't have you go into another coma"
And after Peeta says that she wakes up.
"Guys I'm fine it's a little conclusion and it happens all the time when we try a new trick." Kat says and we all calm down

"But now since we are done practicing let's go to bush gardens!" Katniss screams running out the door with her bag.
I have a silly cousin.

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