Back at panem

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Yay we're finally back at panem. Your probably wondering why I. So happy,well it's because my cousins aria,spencer,Hannah and Emily are coming to visit for the rest of the summer which is 2 months.(A/N other girls from pretty little liars) uhh I just can't figure out where the hell is that necklace!


Once I'm about to knock a fourth time I see my Mom,Plutarch,Prim,
Rue,Rory,Aria,Spencer,Hannah and Emily.
"Oh my gosh what the he'll are you guys doing here?!" I say excited
"Hey Katniss sweetie language" my mother says
"Oh sorry mom,but wow why are you guys here so early?"
"We wanted to see our cousin" Spencer says
"Aww you guys are the best oh and did Alyson come with you guys?"
"Yah she did but she went to go visit a Delly or something but whatever let's go talk upstairs." Aria suggests
"Ok" then we start walking upstairs.


Once I enter my home I'm shocked I see my Mom,Dad,Jake,Devin,Delly, and of course Alyson.
"Hey what are you guys all doing here?" I ask
"Just coming to visit duh" Alyson says
"Oh where's your posy?" I ask Alyson
"Oh they went to see a Katniss Neverclean" she says then snickers I
Feel anger bubble up in me.
"Oh ok and it's Katniss Everdeen so get your shit together" I say
"Peeta,honey calm down ok Alyson will be staying here for the summer got it?" My mother says
"Yup got it now,Alyson move out my way before I move you myself"

"Ooh do the second one" she says smirking
"Ok" then I push her into the ground and everyone one is laughing except Delly,of course that brat.


"Sooo...... What?" Aria asks
"Well tell me how life has been da!" I say
"Ohhhhh" Emily says while laughing
"It's been good but we have a surprise for you" spencer says
"guyyyyssssss you know how much I hate surprises!" I says then it's a pillow to all of them
"Hey! It's a good surprise" Hannah says
"Oh ok then spill"

"WERE MOVING IN WITH YOU!" They all say in unison
"WHAT! finally girls my age around in this house" I say
"Hey I heard that!"bi hear prim yell
"I know it was ment for you to hear it!" I say
"Come down stairs mom cooked dinner" and after prim says that we all try to get out the door at the same time but end up falling in eachother.


Awww I'm so happy to see my daughter happy again. She deserves her cousins to live with her, like why not?
"So sweetie how was your road trip?" I ask
"it was great dad, we won all competitions even against the jets" she says
"Wow the jets are like the best!" Prim shouts
"Yah I know but now the mockingjays are at the top!"
"Girls ok stop yelling over the table" Mary (kats mom)
"Well how's Peeta?" Hannah asks and gives Katniss a wink

"Oh........Peeta....... Um yah well we had a fight because I lost a necklace he gave me and it was the most beautiful thing I've ever owned! And then when I woke up it was gone" Katniss says looking sad
"Oh I bet it'll work out sweetie ok" Mary says

"Ok,oh and mom can we go to a party tonight at Annie's it's just the group and us and the kids can come too"
"Go ahead sweetei" I say
"Thanks dad" then They rush upstairs I'm guessing to get ready.

Ugh I can't stop thinking about Katniss. I know she loves me as much as I love her just how could it disappear? I saw it on her neck before we went to sleep then I woke up at 4 ish and saw Delly my evil twin coming near her. Aha I bet Delly has it.
So if course I go to her room where they are getting ready for Ann's party.

"Delly" u say
"What do you want Peeta?!"
"Can I come in?"
"Let me see your suitcase"
"Why?" She says dragging the y
"Just give me the damn bag or I'm going to get the rolling pin"
"No please not the rolling pin"
"The. Hand me the damn bag!"
"Ok ok jeesh"

Then that's where I see it the necklace. "Why do you have Katniss necklace that I bought her?"
"Huh I don't know?"
"Of course you don't know your you"
"But Delly said that you bought that for me!" Alyson says
"Hell no way would I buy this for you!" I say dragging the l

"Because .I'"
"Ugh harsh much"
"Actually yes"
"Get the hell out if my room Peeta Ryan Mellark!"
"He be glad too" I say acting snobby then I bow


I can't believe Rory asked me if u wanted to be his girlfriend. Your probably thinking what I said but this is what I said. "I know you probably don't feel the same way about me" I say "huh PrimRose Willow Everdeen I love you from the moon back ten times, so will you be my girlfriend?" Rory says "well............YES!" And that's it.

Now I'm getting ready, I'm not going for outfits like Katniss I'm going for comfy but yet very presentable outfit. Once I choose my outfit I just wait till its 5. Once it's 5:05 I hop into the shower and start getting ready.

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